98 year old Billy Graham has a lot of wisdom and gives an important message to America about the importance of God.
Billy Graham has been obediently serving God for many, many years now. He is an expert on the Bible and is full of Christian wisdom. As Graham is in his late 90’s, he knows that his days here on earth are coming to an end. As a faithful servant of Christ he uses every last moment he has to spread the message of the gospel.
On his 95th Birthday he gave this message to America. He says that our country is in great need for a spiritual awakening. As he travels around the country, he sees how far people have wondered from God. The cross is offensive because it confronts the evil that dominates our world.
From awm:
While a recent Gallup poll reports that 89 percent of Americans still believe in God, the statistics are declining. Back in 1944, Gallup found that 96 percent of Americans believed in God. Hence, the Good Old Days.
But more than believing there is a God, how many are living a life completely surrendered to him? How many American’s put him first in their life? How many seek his kingdom above all else? How many are actually living out the purpose God has for their life?
There are so many “luke warm” Christians out there who are not making an impact on the world. They have a form of godliness but deny it’s power. Imagine if every person, all 89% of Americans, lived their life surrendered to God. Lived in the purpose he had for their life? That would be a great America!
So surrender to the savior of the world. Have faith in him, pray, learn the Bible and go out and make disciples of all nations. True change starts at home. Let’s start putting God where he belongs, in the number one spot, number one priority, teaching our children what a loving God he is.
If we don’t teach them who he is, the world will teach them who he isn’t.
Share this amazing message with everyone! Thanks!
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