California COLLAPSING, and It’s All Thanks to Liberals…

The liberal capitol of America, California is collapsing all thanks to their failing policies.

This always happens, when they run out of other people’s money, the crap hits the fan. Governor Jerry Brown just implemented the largest gas tax in the nation in California. Those who were barely making it, won’t be any more… Welcome to the liberal capitol.

From Young Conservatives:

Thomas Del Beccaro wrote an op-ed in Forbes that laid out the sorry state California has put itself in after years of infrastructure neglect, with those funds being diverted to illegals, global warming, and other such social-justice absurdity.

 Del Beccaro wrote:

It is said that California has over $77 billion in deferred road, highway and bridge maintenance.  It showed this week with a sink hole in LA because of the rain they didn’t predict.  There is also the collapse of part of one of its main highways in the North, Highway 50, from the rain they didn’t predict – not to mention the Oroville dam, the break in a Central Valley levee and over-flowing dams causing flooding in places like the southern part of Silicon Valley.

California is literally crumbling, their whole infrastructure is falling apart because it is one of the most taxed states in the union leaving little to no money to work on roads. This should be a bright red flag.

Cut Federal Funds. California is ruled by Corrupted Global Fascist Politicians with a NWO Socialist Agenda! They have no allegiance to the United States of America or its citizens. Disgraceful! California, you may secede now… I’m just sayin’…



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