Condoleezza Rice Finally Breaks Her Silence

Condoleezza Rice finally breaks her silence on President Donald Trump, check out what she had to say!

Condoleezza Rice has remained pretty silent on President Trump thus far other than some comments on his great cabinet picks. But she has finally come forward to say a lot about the president now.

From World News Politics:

“The United States is in uncharted territory with President Trump, a man with no experience in public service who has “never even sniffed government.”

“Government under the Trump administration will look and feel different,” Rice added.

“I think we have to give this Trump presidency some time. It will take the president himself time to realize the limitations of his power, she said, because he’s accustomed to a different domain.”

She added, “I am a great believer in what the Founding Fathers believed in,” explaining our nations checks and balances before getting laughs with the line,

“Americans, are a notoriously ungovernable people.”

Read the rest of what she said about Russia here…

I think she would be a great adviser to President Trump! She would provide the stabilizing political experience in President Trump’s uncharted Leadership for America. She is so intelligent, she should have been the first black president, the first woman president, our country wouldn’t be in the fix it is in now if she had been our President rather than Obama. 

I don’t see anything wrong with Trump and his tweeting. It’s the ONLY way we can get the truth, because of hateful, biased media. They want to destroy him, but they never will. God put him in charge.

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  • Many of us prayed for Trump to become President. God heard our prayers. We needed change, not what Obama promised and failed. Change did come with the Democrats losing the election, to include the Congress and Senate.

  • Condy is Right! We indeed are in new territory? I have watched politicians since 1974 when Ifirst began to be aware ! The way they talk vs what they do? And I most have seen them feather their own nest! I have never seen anything like Donald P. Trump? Let’s wait and see? The proof will be in the pudding? I say! Give him a year at least and We’ll see? If we have a better country then yes the Donald again in 2020?

  • If the crooks, kooks, and gators are drained from the swamp, Trump will be the best this country has ever had. That is what they are afraid of.

  • isnt she the one who went on 5 sunday talk shows and said bengazi was caused by an internet video????

  • No, she was NOT THE ONE WHO WENT ON TV TO TELL LIES ABOUT BENGAZI. Condoleezza Rice was U.S. Secretary of State from 2005 until 2009 under President George W. Bush, after serving four years as National Security Advisor (2001-05). As a child, Condoleezza Rice was a gifted student and a prodigy on the piano, and she entered college at the age of 15 with the intention of becoming a concert pianist. Along the way she was influenced by political scientist Josef Korbel, the father of former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Rice changed her plans and studied international politics, and by the early 1980s she was teaching at Stanford University and becoming a prominent public voice on international affairs. She also worked with the Pentagon and with the administration of George Bush the elder as an expert on foreign affairs. She returned to Stanford during the Bill Clinton administration before being tapped as NSA by the younger President Bush. In January of 2005, after Bush was elected to a second term, Condoleezza Rice replaced Colin Powell as Secretary of State and served until the end of Bush’s term. She then joined the lecture circuit and took a position as a professor at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

    Extra credit

    Condoleezza Rice remains a talented musician; in 2002 she performed a concert in Washington, D.C. with cellist Yo Yo Ma… Condoleezza Rice had an oil tanker named for her while she was a member of the Chevron Corporation board of directors during the 1990s. In 2001 the company changed the name of the ship to the Altair Voyager… Condoleezza Rice is the first African-American woman to hold the post of Secretary of State. The first woman to hold the post was Colin Powell’s predecessor, Madeleine Albright… She became one of the first two women members of the Augusta National Golf Club in August of 2012; the other was South Carolina businesswoman Darla Moore. Augusta National is the site of the annual Masters golf tournament.Condoleezza Rice was U.S. Secretary of State from 2005 until 2009 under President George W. Bush, after serving four years as National Security Advisor (2001-05). As a child, Condoleezza Rice was a gifted student and a prodigy on the piano, and she entered college at the age of 15 with the intention of becoming a concert pianist. Along the way she was influenced by political scientist Josef Korbel, the father of former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Rice changed her plans and studied international politics, and by the early 1980s she was teaching at Stanford University and becoming a prominent public voice on international affairs. She also worked with the Pentagon and with the administration of George Bush the elder as an expert on foreign affairs. She returned to Stanford during the Bill Clinton administration before being tapped as NSA by the younger President Bush. In January of 2005, after Bush was elected to a second term, Condoleezza Rice replaced Colin Powell as Secretary of State and served until the end of Bush’s term. She then joined the lecture circuit and took a position as a professor at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

    Extra credit

    Condoleezza Rice remains a talented musician; in 2002 she performed a concert in Washington, D.C. with cellist Yo Yo Ma… Condoleezza Rice had an oil tanker named for her while she was a member of the Chevron Corporation board of directors during the 1990s. In 2001 the company changed the name of the ship to the Altair Voyager… Condoleezza Rice is the first African-American woman to hold the post of Secretary of State. The first woman to hold the post was Colin Powell’s predecessor, Madeleine Albright… She became one of the first two women members of the Augusta National Golf Club in August of 2012; the other was South Carolina businesswoman Darla Moore. Augusta National is the site of the annual Masters golf tournament.

  • She is honest and straight forward. There is no shit on her coattails.She brought honesty and integrity to the office of Secretary of State unlike the last few Secretaries of State .She probably could have run for president but I think she was too honest and had too much integrity for the politicians to back her .

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