CT| The same liberal hypocrites who chastise conservatives for opposing gay marriage seem awfully quiet about the Islamic State group having posted pictures showing a homosexual man in Iraq being executed for simply being gay.
The exact date of the murder remains unknown, but according to the U.K. Daily Mail, the man was accused of being a homosexual and then subjected to a Shariah court trial, much like Santa was one month ago.
Muslims view homosexuals as apostates, so not surprisingly, the homosexual man lost the trial and was soon after sentenced to die.
Militants then led the man up the stairs of a tall building, covered his eyes with blindfolds, bound his hands with restraints and then shoved him off the roof as a large crowd of civilians watched.
Unfortunately, such despicable murders occur quite frequently in the Middle East, where any deviation from fundamental Islamic law, known as Shariah, is treated with the harshest of punishment.
Now compare this to the treatment homosexual men and women receive in the United States. Liberals think it’s persecution if a Christian baker doesn’t want to make a cake for a gay “wedding”?
Yet in the eyes of some liberals, those conservatives who oppose the homosexual lifestyle — and gay marriage — are just as “evil” as militants who murder gays. The lack of logic is flabbergasting, not to mention a complete insult to the many homosexuals victims of the Islamic State group.
Even more insulting is the fact that liberals will continue to ignore gruesome murders like this, because in their twisted minds, appeasing Muslims is far more important than fighting for human rights. Their hypocrisy is despicable, though also very typical for people whose priorities are as backwards as a hat.
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