Marie Osmond Makes a Very Bold Announcement About Trumps Inauguration

Liberal Hollywood is giving Donald Trump a lot of hell along with anyone who supports the man. Many celebrities either dropped out or completely avoided preforming at the inauguration because of anti-Trump pressure. Marie Osmond doesn’t seem worried about the pressure that leftists are putting on everyone. See what she had to say!


From Yahoo:

Donny and Marie haven’t been asked yet but are willing to perform, Marie Osmond says. The duo has played at multiple inaugural ceremonies including Ronald Reagan’s in 1981.

“I think when it comes to our country we need to unite,” Marie told Yahoo Finance in a recent interview. “I think we should all support our president whether we’re happy or sad. This is America.”

Marie Osmond, the mother of eight children, says her kids fall over the political spectrum and that she would never want them to feel a divide based on political preference. “We should come together and I think an Inauguration should be a time to unite, it really should,” she said.

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1 Comment

  • This is not another news article said, I read that marie refused to be at the inauguration. I was angry at what another new said. I said that last year her little brother donny was on THE VIEW WITH WHOOPIE, , AND MADE BROWNIE POINTS, WAS THE REASON WHY SHE REFUSED TO BE AT INAUGURATION, SHE SAID NO. It was on MSN.

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