Muslims are outraged at this pastor’s sign outside his Church but he refuses to take it down!

Muslim’s are so bold about their god “Allah” but when this Christian church stood up against this false god, all hell broke loose! The pastor is within his rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion but people are calling the signs “hateful”.

KATU reported:

The view from the Belmont Drive Missionary Baptist Church is beautiful, but many say the messages outside the church are downright ugly.

The reader board now displays two messages. The first reads, “Wake up Christians. Allah is not our God. Muhammad not greater than Jesus.” The second says, “Only the Bible is God’s word. ‘Holy book.’ Koran is just another book.”

“I literally had to stop and back up and make sure I saw what I saw, and I was profoundly offended and upset by it,” Eric Cohn said.

Cohn, a Hood River resident, first spotted the message while he was out for a bike ride. He couldn’t believe what he was reading, and he isn’t the only one.

Given the liberal smear campaign on Trump, twisting his words and policies into a “Muslim hating, Muslim ban” stories like this just add fuel to the fire. I’m sure President Trump will be blamed for these signs too.

Do you think this is a way to show the love of Christ? Do you think this pastor is doing right by standing up for the one true God? Please let us know what you think below! Thanks!

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    • Koran 2:191 Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them .
      3:28 Muslims must not take the infidels as friends .
      3:85 Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable .
      5:33 Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam .
      8:12 Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an .
      8:60 Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels .
      8:65 The unbelievers are stupid, urge the Muslims to fight them .
      9:5 When the opportunity arises , kill the infidels wherever you catch them .
      9:30 The Jews and the Christians are perverts : fight them .
      9:123 Make war with the infidels living in your neighborhood .
      22:19 Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire , hooked iron rods ,
      boiling water , melt their skin and bellies .
      47:4 Do not hanker for peace with the infidels , behead them when you catch them .

  • Govt propaganda institutions (schools)
    Teach the pillars and prayers of that cult,
    mention Jesus or bible teachings and your executed

  • Called FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND RELIGION. His church, which the government has no rule over. It is one of our founding fathers first freedoms. Don’t like it leave.

  • The pastor is right and he don’t have to remove the sign. I am living majority Muslim country Malaysia. In Malaysia Christians are not allowed to use the word ALLAH. The highest court in Malaysia given the judgement, ALLAH belong to Muslim and not to Christian. So they ban all Christian are not allowed to use the word.

  • What a great pastor, that Pastor is a hundred percent correct…Keep it up. The majority of Americans probably agree with your message.?????

  • I say, God Bless the man. I wish more preachers had the guts to stand up for our Lord against false gods.

  • That is the truth. Look at the Ten Commandments! Number 1 in particular. “You shall have no other Gods before me.”
    This was given to Moves by the God of Abraham.

  • This is the basic problem with muslims – they cannot tolerate any other thinking than Islam. Islam is shit and muslims do not belong in the west. Go back to allah land and enjoy your sharia law.

  • Thank you for stating this in public. It needs to be said by all Christians. If they can’t say it, with conviction, then they are not true Christians. They need some good “going to hell if you don’t change and obey the Bible” preaching.

  • Lol im proud that we are standing up to these people they call themselves muslims … They sure don’t have no problem spouting there trash and it’s time we stand up for our rights , if we don’t now we may never have a chance to do it .. Im sick of them coming over here running there heads and then telling us to shut up !! No Sir not in our country, they want a fight they came to the right place !!!

  • I disagree. Christians need to become smart about Muslims and their culture. This type sign fuels the fire and causes further anger, hatred, division and potential for retaliation. Educate yourself and learn what they really believe and how much of our bible they believe. Educate yourself and start purposefully witnessing to them. That is the only way we can successfully fight and infiltrate their agenda. This sign is counter productive. Become educated, not confrontational.

    I would highly recommend starting with the book, “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus” by Nabeel Qureshi. He has authored other books as well which can be found on Amazon.

    • Facebook is better media to reach out to americans to let them know what the Koran realy teaches . Here is a taste of that . Koran 2:191 Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them .
      3:28 Muslims must not take the infidels as friends .
      3:85 Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable .
      5:33 Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam .
      8:12 Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an .
      8:60 Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels .
      8:65 The unbelievers are stupid, urge the Muslims to fight them .
      9:5 When the opportunity arises , kill the infidels wherever you catch them .
      9:30 The Jews and the Christians are perverts : fight them .
      9:123 Make war with the infidels living in your neighborhood .
      22:19 Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire , hooked iron rods ,
      boiling water , melt their skin and bellies .
      47:4 Do not hanker for peace with the infidels , behead them when you catch them .
      So that you can educate yourself .

  • Well its nothing but the trueth and the Bible says the trueth will set you free…So if you don’t like God’s word don’t read it….No one forced you to read the sign…Its there it state’s the trueth and so if you are against what it says and you don’t like what it says close your eyes and go on down the road….Or if its against your religion then go back to where you can feel comfortable with your religion…I mean no one forced you to look at the sign and no one forced you to decide not to like it….Its someone else’s view on the matter….Which is there right to share…And its your right to go on down the road and ignore it….Its called having the right to freedom….Its what us Military Veterans fought to preserve so all Americans can enjoy it….And if your not American and you don’t like our ways or beliefs you are very welcome to leave and go back to where you came from…

  • The words on the billboard only speak the truth. No Christian could possibly be offend by its message. If you are you fail to know the words of Jesus when he said, if you acknowledge me publicly before men, I will acknowledge you before the father, if you deny me before men, I will deny you before my father. It is sad to see so many denominations whose churches are dead and their congregations have no life or purpose in them. Then a preacher comes along and says what the Lord would tell the world of he stood here now, and many want to crucify the pastor. I for one stand by this message regardless of the repercussions it could cause me and hateful responses. I would rather be hated by men then by God.

  • Islam is not my religion.
    Allah is not my name.
    Mohammed is not my prophet.
    Sharia is not my law.
    The Quran is not my text.
    Taqiyya is not my way.
    The burka is not my equality.
    Compliance is not my honor.
    Capitulation is not my respect.
    Appeasement is not my peace.
    Apostasy is not my fear.
    Mecca is not my idol.
    Oppression is not my freedom.

    I gave you free will.
    I have no idol.
    I have no fear.
    My Grace is peace.
    Your choice is my respect.
    Your Love is my honor.
    Your image is my equality.
    The Truth is my light.
    The Word is my text.
    The Covenant is my law.
    Jesus is my path.
    I am GOD.

    Follow me in my Light.
    Follow me in my Grace.
    Follow me in my Love.
    Follow me by your will.

    By: Stewart Abernathy

  • I don’t understand why Cohn or any other American would be offended and stand by the TRUTH! If they have lived in this country any time at all they should have heard that Jesus is Lord and that their is no other way to God but by Him!!! this is all a bunch of crap started by the leftists again but also shows all Christians where we are headed in this country so we had better get ready for it and put on you Gospel Armor!!!!

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