Pirro on Illegal Immigration: ‘Law & Order is Back in the West’

Judge Jeanine Pirro has news for you! “Law and order is back in the west!” Pirro strikes back at sanctuary cities and their liberal mayors. Watch below…

From Fox News: In her opening statement on Saturday, Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed critics of President Trump’s hard-line stance on illegal immigration, including liberal mayors of sanctuary cities.

“You can march and you can hate; you can shame and you can demonize, but… law and order is back in the West,” Pirro said, referring to Trump’s executive order withholding federal grant money to cities who will not enforce federal immigration law.

Pirro said such mayors, like Ed Lee (D-San Francisco) and Bill de Blasio (D-New York), will only hurt their own residents when severe budget cuts must be made.

Judge Jeanine is on point!

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  • Please someone tell me, how can obama cause all this mass destruction, turmoil in immigration families and chaos in this great country, President Trump having to clean up the mess, and he is blamed? Don’t you think you had better start looking at obama? He is the one that has caused it, I suspect to get the focus of his destruction off of him and on to the one who is wrongly being blamed! As liberals put loyalty before truth and righteousness, I think it is time to put the focus where it belongs! Thanks President Trump!

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Pirro on Illegal Immigration: ‘Law & Order is Back in the West’

Judge Jeanine Pirro has news for you! “Law and order is back in the west!” Pirro strikes back at sanctuary cities and their liberal mayors. Watch below…

From Fox News: In her opening statement on Saturday, Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed critics of President Trump’s hard-line stance on illegal immigration, including liberal mayors of sanctuary cities.

“You can march and you can hate; you can shame and you can demonize, but… law and order is back in the West,” Pirro said, referring to Trump’s executive order withholding federal grant money to cities who will not enforce federal immigration law.

Pirro said such mayors, like Ed Lee (D-San Francisco) and Bill de Blasio (D-New York), will only hurt their own residents when severe budget cuts must be made.

Judge Jeanine is on point!

Share with us what you think below… Thank you!

1 Comment

  • Please someone tell me, how can obama cause all this mass destruction, turmoil in immigration families and chaos in this great country, President Trump having to clean up the mess, and he is blamed? Don’t you think you had better start looking at obama? He is the one that has caused it, I suspect to get the focus of his destruction off of him and on to the one who is wrongly being blamed! As liberals put loyalty before truth and righteousness, I think it is time to put the focus where it belongs! Thanks President Trump!

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