There’s A New Grumpy Cat That’s Even Grumpier Than The Original!

A Grumpy Cat named Tardar Sauce was one of the internet’s most famous cats – in October 2013, the famously frowny kitty came to New York City to attend The Friskies—awards show that crowns the best cat videos of the year—and to pick up a Lifetime Achievement Award, even though she had not yet celebrated her second birthday.

However, on May 14, 2019, an announcement was made on Twitter that Grumpy Cat that, the internet-famous feline who launched thousands of memes, passed away at the age of 7 due to complications with a urinary tract infection.

The Grumpy Cat died due to complications with a urinary tract infection. She was just over seven years old. Grumpy Cat’s owners announced her death on social media, with a post celebrating how her unique disposition “helped millions of people smile all around the world.”

Needless to say, Grumpy Cat will never be replaced but a new kitty has grabbed the internet’s attention and her name is Meow Meow, a big floof from Taiwan.

Meow Meow is a classy kitten with a scowl that only the most disgusted cat could possess. She is a total sweetheart but her face says otherwise.

This might be the most pissed cat you’ll meet today – meet Meow Meow from Taiwan:

There Is A New Grumpy Cat And She Looks Even Grumpier Than Her Predecessor

This little feline has a Resting B*#ch Face like no other. She is utterly disgusted with nearly every experience she faces each and every day.

There Is A New Grumpy Cat And She Looks Even Grumpier Than Her Predecessor

“I met her at an old pet shop,” said Meow Meow’s human Clair. Interestingly, she said her pet was probably born even before the late Grumpy Cat. “Her ex-owner abandoned her for some unknown reason. She was 10 months old at that time, so me and my younger brother took her to our house and she became my first cat.”

There Is A New Grumpy Cat And She Looks Even Grumpier Than Her Predecessor

Clair says that Meow Meow is actually a very sweet cat and loves massaging her mom to wake her up every day. She is a picky eater and acts like a princess if she doesn’t get her favorite food.

There Is A New Grumpy Cat And She Looks Even Grumpier Than Her Predecessor

Meow Meow wakes up very early and expects breakfast immediately. “After the meal, she washes herself and jumps onto one of her favorite places near the windows to watch the birds. Sometimes she even draws the curtains all by herself just to sit down and get a better look.”

There Is A New Grumpy Cat And She Looks Even Grumpier Than Her Predecessor

Meow Meow has a “Batman” mark on her face giving her the grumpy face she was blessed with. “Even when I take a picture of her and she looks at me, I find her very gentle. I even dressed her like a princess once, but my friends saw her and told me she looked more like a queen.”

There Is A New Grumpy Cat And She Looks Even Grumpier Than Her Predecessor

She just sits on her throne and judges you. She knows it, you know it. It is adorable.

In case you were wondering what people think about Meow Meow taking the internet’s role as the world’s newest grumpiest cat. Here’s what they had to say:

“We will never forget the original Grumpy Cat.”

“The internet needs a Grumpy Cat now more than ever.”

“Meow Meow looks like she might be the softest and grumpiest cat in the world.”

“Na na nana Na na nana Bat Cat!”

“Ahem…. She is seriously adorable.”

“What would you name her? Meowlax!”

The internet has always had an obsession with cats and a piece of all of us went missing when we lost Grumpy Cat. Our hearts now see a glimmer of hope and our faith in misery has been restored thanks to the discovery of Meow Meow. She is the perfect candidate to allow us to vent through the adorable actions of this new cat, Princess Grumpy.

Source: BuzzNick

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