Trump Just Did 1 Thing For Slain Cop’s Family That Obama NEVER Would! Hope is Making a Comeback!

Our police officers across the country have endured a very hard year with the Black Lives Matter thugs painting them as racists and putting a target on their backs. This last weekend, four cops were ambushed and shot, and one of those brave men died in the line of duty. Now, his family is reporting that Donald Trump just did one thing for them, and sadly, it’s something Barack Obama would never do.

Detective Benjamin Marconi’s end of watch came suddenly when two bullets pierced his skull as he sat in his patrol car while he wrote out a simple traffic ticket early Sunday morning. San Antonio Police Department is in mourning, as well as many Americans who are joining them and sending our prayers and condolences to his family.

“Benjamin Marconi, 50, was shot and killed Sunday during a traffic stop in downtown San Antonio around 11:45 a.m. Otis Tyrone McKane is accused of pulling up behind Marconi’s cruiser while the detective was issuing a traffic citation and firing two rounds through the passenger window.” [via My San]

Unsurprisingly, our current president, Barack Obama, did not go out of his way to call Marconi’s family or even mention his tragic death. However, another man did, and you guessed it, it was our President-Elect Donald Trump.

Detective Marconi’s son, Dane, posted on Facebook: “Just got off the phone with the future President Trump, he sends his condolences to our family.”

The post went viral after a screenshot of it was reposted by a woman whose Facebook page identifies her as a crime scene investigator for San Antonio Police. Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks did not respond to a request for more details. [Souce:]

It’s worthy to note what Obama is doing today. He is giving out our nation’s highest civilian honor called the Medal of Freedom, and who he picked to get those awards proves what he is all about. Included are Director of Saturday Night Live Lorne Michaels, Ellen Degeneres, Bruce Springsteen, Robert DeNiro, Diana Ross, and Robert Redford, to name just a few.

My point, of course, is that Obama is all about fame, and the little guy, us Americans who struggle daily to just get by or the cop on the beat putting his life on the line aren’t important to him. I wonder how many unsung heroes there are, who really work for the poor or dedicate their lives to causes without becoming millionaires and celebrities, that deserve that Medal of Freedom.

I bet with Donald Trump as president, we will find out about some of those true heroes in our community, and next year, that award ceremony will have truly deserving Americans recognized. For now, we can endure the last weeks of this losers presidency, knowing that hope is making a comeback.

You may be thinking, “What good does just one phone call, like the one the Marconi family received from Trump, do?” Believe me, as a police widow, it makes a huge difference. The only solace in losing someone in the line of duty is knowing your loved one was making a difference, and when important leaders take the time to call and speak with you, it uplifts you, and it’s something you don’t forget.

We also know that the recent epidemic of random police shootings is due to the rats like Obama and members of the Black Lives Matter movement, who have hammered a false narrative about cops over the last few years. I hope BLM joins the ranks with the KKK and becomes recognized as a terrorist, racist organizations…

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1 Comment

  • How do a bunch of ” has been Hollywood assholes” qualify to receive the country’s Freedom Award on Television yesterday? Apparently the only criteria to be considered is you must be rich, mostly white, support this fool unquestionably over his reign of destruction, and make a big fuss with the media because your candidate was rejected by us poor people. The train to Canada runs every day…hoping we will see you on it soon. What a disgrace to the people who truly did some thing important to keep America free!

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