WATCH: Female Trump Supporter PEPPER-SPRAYED at U.C. Berkeley Riot. It WASN’T the Police!

Caught on camera: Intolerant anti-Trump thug pepper sprays a woman for wearing a hat that looks like the MAGA hat Trump often wore.

Believe what the liberals believe or get attacked and pepper sprayed! This is ridiculous. Watch below…

From The Blaze:

A female supporter of Republican President Donald Trump was pepper-sprayed during an on-camera interview with KGO-TV amid rioting at the University of California, Berkeley, Wednesday night.

“I’m looking to make a statement by just being here, and I think the protesters are doing the same,” Kiara Robles told the reporter. “Props to the ones who are doing it non-violently, but I think that’s a very rare thing indeed.”

Seconds later, she was hit with the pepper spray.

Robles was wearing a red baseball cap with white lettering on the front — “Make Bitcoin Great Again” — but it likely looked enough like Trump’s campaign cap to the black-gloved culprit, who quickly took off after pepper-spraying her.

She told KGO soon after that she was alright.

Here’s a look at the incident from a different angle, captured by a friend of Robles:

The protesting that turned into rioting came after the cancellation of a campus speech by conservative pundit Milo Yiannopoulos, whose controversial and provocative lectures on college campuses over the last year targeted liberals and feminists and led to numerous protests.

Officials held a news conference amid the rioting and indicated it wasn’t a proud moment for Berkeley, KGO reported.

Robles posted a photo to Twitter after getting pepper-sprayed:

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