A Former Newsmax Host Just Took A Blowtorch To The Whole Network!

Newsmax was a huge HIT after Fox News’s horrible election coverage of 2020.

Fox News watchers were outraged watching the Fox News hosts claim that the election was fair and balanced, which in many ways, backstabbed not only President Trump but the American people too.

The viewers left Fox News by the droves to watch Newsmax and those numbers gave the new station a massive boost.

However, the love for Newsmax began to wan as viewers noticed the HUGE push for the vaccines.

Many eyebrows were raised and they continue to be raised considering that these were totally untested and unneeded.

Oh, then it got even worse for the news station.

They fired popular White House correspondent Emerald Robinson, reportedly for being “too tough” on Joe Biden, but people were skeptical of that excuse.

Now, we’re hearing that a writer for “The Blaze” has filed a “Freedom of Information Act” request regarding the Biden admins covert funding of the vaccine and that FOIA has revealed a lot.

So, what did reporter Chris Pandolfo find in that FOIA?

Well, Emerald Robinson talked about it on her Substack, and then joined Steve Bannon on War Games.



What did Chris Pandolfo find? He discovered that nearly the entire corporate media took money from the Biden Administration to push the vaccines to their audiences without disclosing it. More importantly, so-called “conservative” media organizations took money from the Biden Administration to spin positive stories about deadly and ineffective vaccines to their conservative viewers who were right to be suspicious — and did not disclose it.

Fox News took the money and said nothing to its conservative viewers.

Newsmax took the money and said nothing to its conservative viewers.

In response to a FOIA request filed by TheBlaze, HHS revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable TV news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post, digital media companies like BuzzFeed News and Newsmax, and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations. These outlets were collectively responsible for publishing countless articles and video segments regarding the vaccine that was nearly uniformly positive about the vaccine in terms of both its efficacy and safety.
That is the largest and most comprehensive breach of journalistic ethics that has ever occurred. Almost everybody took the money. Almost everybody lied about the vaccines (knowingly or unknowingly). Almost everybody refused to report anything negative about the vaccines — because they were paid to close their eyes. Almost everybody is implicated.


In other words, the Biden Administration’s money did not just pay for pro-vaccine advertising at outlets like Fox and Newsmax: it paid for an outright ban on any negative coverage. There’s a word for that kind of thing, and the word is: propaganda.



You can read Emerald’s entire piece here.

I’d encourage you to read it, it gets into a lot of detail and implicates Fox News, as well.

And if you thought the media was bad before, this bombshell will blow your mind.

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  • just goes to show, money talks and nobody walks. Fox and News Max can’t even be trusted. No different than the Democrats buying their votes, they do it all the time. Now Big Parma is approaching the CDC, Big Pharma wants a 4th Wuhan Virus shot. I suppose after the 4th shot, they will want a fifth. When dos it end? I can hear the conversation now. Big Pharma to Lying Corrupt Quid Pro KING Joe, America needs a fourth shot. corrupt Quid Pro. If i authorize the fourth shot, how much money would you like to kick back to the DNC.

  • I wonder how much money wound up in the pockets of elected officials from the Pharmas producing the vaccines such as the WH and their relatives. The entire campaign being pushed by Biden and company, including all the misinformation being distributed, stunk to high heaven!!

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