This federal judge just make a huge step in breaking the wall the Dems been trying to build to control people.
On Tuesday, the federal judge in Utica who issued a temporary restraining order on Democratic New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s order vaccine mandate for health care industry workers extended the order.
If you work in the health care industry — from a doctor to a vendor — and claim a religious exemption to the COVID-19 vaccines, you do not have to get a shot until at least Oct. 12.
Here’s what News 10 NBC reporter Berkeley Brean posted on Twitter:
“Breaking: Federal judge extends the temporary ban on the NYS vaccine mandate for health care industry workers claiming a religious exemption until October 12th. Then the order could turn into a preliminary injunction.”
In an accompanying video, Brean explained that if the order turns into a preliminary injunction, those seeking a religious exemption to the vaccine in NY will be allowed the exemption for as long as the case pends.
Breaking: federal judge extends the temporary ban on the NYS vaccine mandate for health care industry workers claiming a religious exemption until October 12th. Then the order could turn into a preliminary injunction. @news10nbc
— Berkeley Brean (@whec_bbrean) September 21, 2021
In the lawsuit filed against the vaccine mandate last week, the doctors, nurses, and techs who are suing said taking the covid vaccine would be a “violation of their deeply held religious beliefs” because of the vaccine’s use of “abortion-derived fetal cell lines in testing, development, or production.”
Also Last week, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York temporarily blocked Hochul’s order.
The Daily Wire previously highlighted in their report that a group of health care workers represented by the Thomas More Society sued the state arguing their Constitutional rights were violated when the state’s issued a vaccination mandate barring religious exemptions.
ABC News reported that Judge David Hurd last Tuesday issued the order giving the Hochul administration “until Sept. 22 to respond to the lawsuit in federal court in Utica. If the state opposes the plaintiffs’ request for a preliminary court order blocking the vaccine mandate, a Sept. 28 oral hearing will occur.”
Now-resigned Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) on August 16 announced that all healthcare workers in the state of New York, including staff at hospitals and long-term care facilities such as nursing homes, adult care facilities, and other congregate care settings, are required to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
The Thomas More Society argued that the mandate “attempts to nullify protections for sincere religious beliefs granted under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, even though days earlier the state of New York had afforded protection for religious beliefs in its prior health order.”
Attorney Christopher Ferrara, Thomas More Society Special Counsel, called the move “a brazen power grab by people who think they can get away with anything.”
“What New York is attempting to do is slam shut an escape hatch from an unconstitutional vaccine mandate,” Ferrara argued. “And they are doing this while, knowing that many people have sincere religious objections to vaccines that were tested, developed, or produced with cell lines derived from aborted children.”
“These plaintiffs are not – I repeat – not anti-vaxxers, as the fake news media calls them,” stressed Ferrara. “They are in fact in favor of voluntary vaccination with informed consent, but they oppose jack-booted coercion by the state to take a vaccine their religion forbids them to take. This is America, not Red China.”
“Without court intervention,” Ferrara warned before Judge Hurd’s order, “these health professionals face loss of occupation, professional status, and employability anywhere in the state of New York. All because of an abortion-connected vaccine, one that they cannot take in good conscience.”
Why does the media keep trying to push mandatory vaccines, when more information is showing the vaccine is useless to stop COVID. It doesn’t even meet the minimum standards of a vaccine. It doesn’t prevent you from getting COVID. It does prevent you from spreading it. It doesn’t keep you from having to go to the hospital. Nor does it prevent COVID from killing you. So why is it even called a vaccine? What is the purpose of it? There are cheaper and more effective alternatives, that do work well, that the government and the media suppress information on. These people pushing this narrative of everyone has to be vaccinated, need to go to jail. This vaccine is now causing more deaths to fully vaccinated people, than die from COVID. The government wants all information like this removed from social platforms. The Democrat party has declared a hidden war on the country.