After Michelle Says America Belongs To Muslims, She Instantly Gets Her American-Hating Butt Destroyed!

If there’s one woman who is good at running her fat mouth, it’s Michelle Obama. Along with the left, she’s been hell bent on protesting Trump’s temporary migrant ban, and decided to speak about it in a recent speech. Even though no one really gives a flying crap what this woman thinks anymore, she still decided to put her two cents in, where then insanely told Muslims that America belongs to them.

But unfortunately for her, Michelle would soon soon get instantly destroyed for her stupidity after making an idiot of herself on the world stage.

“Do not ever let anyone make you feel like you don’t matter, or like you don’t have a place in our American story — because you do,” started.  “Know that this country belongs to you, to all of you. From every background and walk of life. If you or your parents are immigrants, know that you are part of a proud American tradition . . . that has made us the greatest country on Earth.”

Watch her flap her gums below:

Don’t let her tears fool you. The Obamas has a plan to agitate the situation and undermine Trump long before the day of her speech, as we are now learning of a nation-wide organization called Organizing For Action (OFA) currently being led by her husband as a way to take down President Trump.

This woman will no doubt go down as the most anti-American First Lady in American history. And as she continues to spew off at the mouth and attempts to undermine our president, let us all remember her husband’s TRUE LEGACY which is the massive deterioration of race relations in this country.

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