Perhaps if liberals understood that while the bulk of Islam is made up of people who are just trying to live, Islam has a terrible record when it comes to honoring the rights of others. In much of the Islamic religion “rights” are not even a notion. So maybe if the Democrats really grasped the fact that there are gun classes and training being given at little or NO cost to radicals in a church somewhere in the world so that they can kill those who are not Islamic, likely THEN the left would awaken.
Well, if so, then the alarm clock is ringing because the above-mentioned scenario is not happening in another nation, but it is happening right here in America! In Florida, in a mosque as the left cries for churches to be gun free zones, CAIR-Florida Regional Operations Director Nezar Hamze has been very busy taking his gun teachings to the very people who are most likely to harm innocents.
The Society of Sarasota and Bradenton not only is anti-American (which is vile, but legal) but they support suicide bombers and their families. All of this must mean the gun training at the local Baptist Church is allowable too, right Democrats?
Democrats are against guns in churches and yet they allow gun training in mosques tied to terror. These are the very people in some instances who do we don’t want to have guns.
True Constitutionalists do not have a problem with gun ownership being displayed anywhere since violence and a need to defend may arise anywhere, but when a group like CAIR (Center for American/Islamic Relations) Florida is been found to have supported outright Palestinian terrorism, questions need to be asked. HAMAS has murdered far more innocents in cold blood than any fanatic “on the right” who is always the target on the left, yet CAIR has brought HAMAS to downtown Miami in a nauseous show of support for a hate filled rally.
After the rally the leader Sofian Zakkout wrote, “Thank God, every day we conquer the American Jews like our conquests over the Jews of Israel!” When one looks at how Hamas defeats Jews it is seen that they don’t mean at the ballot box, but with the knife, the bomb, and the death of children. The N.R.A who the left detests never says such things after a rally.
The most sickening part is the Democrats keeps imploring voters to “be inclusive” and to elect people who are of differing faiths just to show how “inclusive” we all are. In this case, the voters did by electing a Muslim who is now going into mosques, teaching the use of guns to those who did not even seek the knowledge, and who is using his post as deputy sheriff to teach those in the congregation how to legally hide from law enforcement. It is perfectly legal to own guns and to avoid law enforcement detection.
It is perfectly legal to own guns and avoid law enforcement detection, that is not the point. The point is that we have a CAIR leader, with proven ties to terrorist groups, using his post with law enforcement to purposefully teach ways to a selection of people who are most likely to harm others due to theirterrorist ties as well, and no one seems worried.
There are virtually no newspapers, magazines, talking heads, or even bloggers in their basements talking about Nezar Hamze at all. Instead, CAIR is out trying to sue the government for stopping travel for 120 measly days and stopping travel from nations that even Democrat leftist Obama had deemed as terrorist supporting nations. CAIR want the terrorists here. READ MORE
I have served my country with honor and to see these democrats defining every move trump makes and trying to undermine every step he makes this country has gone in the wrong road for sometime it’s time to take our country back cause some liberals want there candidate in office I will stand with trump and defend my family and country every chance I get god bless America
You are correct. Thank you for your service. Thank you for the way you see our situation
This is crazy, I can’t believe we have gone so far backwards, I am ashamed of the people we have here trying to destroy our country, and most are American citizens. GOD help us.
God help us all! People can’t see that they are. Helping no one & hurting everyone.