They Said This Former Supermodel, 58 Was Desperate, Her Response Was Absolutely Perfect… [PHOTOS]

Caught in the crosshairs of a fevered online debate, a seasoned supermodel is facing a torrent of disparaging remarks for her daring display in swimwear and lingerie, but rather than retreating, she’s sharpening her claws to confront her detractors.

The prominent figure in the modeling industry has found herself on the receiving end of a barrage of online insults ranging from “old” and “ugly” to “desperate” due to her audacious posts featuring herself in swimwear and lingerie, and at times, wearing only her confident smile. The central theme of these attacks seems to stem from the model’s age, resulting in her standing up against these “trolls,” even devising clever ways to lure them into her online “trap.”


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The struggle between Paulina Porizkova, an esteemed supermodel, and the rampant cyberbullies is a spectacle to behold. As Porizkova entered her 50s, the vocal majority suggested that she should refrain from posting images that show her in revealing attire. However, as a former Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model, Porizkova chose to keep flaunting herself in swimwear, lingerie, and sometimes nothing at all, sharing these audacious pictures on social media. The critics, unfortunately, interpreted this as an open invitation to belittle and insult her.


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In March 2021, Porizkova, then 55, was described as “sick” and “desperate” by ruthless online “bullies” when she shared alluring photos of herself donned in black lingerie in her New York apartment, as per Daily Mail. The subsequent month, she made headlines again as she retaliated against the trolls. Fast forward to November of the same year, the model’s vacation bikini photos became a hot topic.


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In April of the following year, Porizkova’s swimsuit photos resurfaced in the news after a commenter opined that she was “too old” to post bikini photos.

As Porizkova continued to post these so-called “controversial” images, the criticisms kept coming. In September 2022, she once again made the headlines after flaunting her body in a “stunning bikini pic,” according to the NY Post.

More recently, in March of 2023, Page Six reported that Porizkova, now 57, had retorted to critics of a “barely-clothed” lingerie picture she had posted on Instagram, labeling the naysayers as “sad.” This pattern persisted—Porizkova posts daring photos, trolls lash out, and she hits back.


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Why would a successful woman in her 50s willingly engage in this seemingly tiring cycle? The answer lies in her replies. When one critic claimed she was too “old and ugly” to post swimsuit pictures, Porizkova responded, “I get comments like these every time I post a photo of my body. This is the ageist shaming that sets my teeth on edge. Older men are distinguished, older women are ugly.” Having weathered plenty of internet hate storms, the supermodel has turned into a pro-aging activist, using the criticisms hurled at her as teaching moments.

Porizkova often shares screenshots of her critics’ ruthless remarks on Instagram, explaining that she is “holding them accountable for what they say.” More importantly, however, she’s attempting to challenge perceptions.

Arguing that “in society, when you go into your middle age, you sort of lose your license to be able to show up in bikinis too,” she has stated her belief that “we get more beautiful with age,” and it appears she’s striving to prove this with her “controversial” photos as well as her unique perspective on beauty.

“People who believe prettiness equals beauty do not understand beauty. Pretty is easy on the eyes, partly because it’s a little bland, inoffensive. It’s easy to take in and easy to forget. Not so [with] beauty. Beauty can be sharp.”

Sources: Taphaps, Daily Mail, NY Post, Page Six

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