Responding to the family and community members’ outraged reaction to the death of 18-year-old Amari Malone, a Texas police department released bodycam from an officer-involved shooting showing Malone was pointing a handgun at officers when he was fatally shot.
Amari’s brother, Juvi Malone, stated:
“A young black kid getting his act together. Eventually, stuff like this has got to stop … It’s just like an ongoing thing, like over and over and over. They keep pulling young people from out of the community. We want justice.”
The incident occurred at about 5:45 p.m. on Aug. 21 when officers encountered Malone on Boca Raton Boulevard in the Woodhaven neighborhood. Fort Worth Police Sgt. Chris Daniels said officers stopped to try to talk to him, but Malone bolted, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Bodycam video from both officers showed how quickly the suspect took off when he was approached. So, Officers chased after the 18-year-old, who was a suspect in an Aug. 5 homicide on the west side of the city after he was “seen at the murder scene with a pistol.”
As can be seen from the video, Malone twice turned and pointed a handgun at the officers chasing after him before they opened fire on him.
Civil rights attorney Lee Merritt, who is representing the family, stated: “The crime that needs to be investigated right now is the murder of an 18-year-old in Fort Worth.”
Here’s what Merritt said:
“Thank you to everyone who elevated Amari Malone’s family’s demand that the body cam of the incident is released. Citing pressure put on the city by your forces, the Forth Worth Police Department released the footage in record time. The investigation into this shooting is ongoing. I learned from the medical examiner that it took one hour from the time Amari was shot to the time that he began to receive treatment from medical professionals. That is too long given that Malone was driven past a trauma one center and driven two times the distance to a trauma two center that was less equipped to treat him. He was shot once in the back. If he had received timely treatment, we believe he could have been saved.”
“The video evidence confirms that Malone was carrying a gun. His family explained that he had been shot in the leg only a few weeks ago. He carried a gun, like many people in Texas (including myself), for his own protection. We will review the video released concerning officers’ claims that he pointed that gun at the cops that pursued him. We do not believe the still frames released by the department capture the incident adequately, and the video must be reviewed in its entirety by our videographers. Every investigation deserves timely transparency and thorough review.”
In response, Interim Police Chief Ed Kraus released body cam footage of the incident, which showed Amari ignoring officer requests and then fleeing. The footage showed him pulling out a gun and aiming it at police.
“We were seeing posts that this individual was unarmed, that he had been shot multiple times in the back, that his involvement in the murder scene was that he had just been a witness to that,” Krauss said. “We just wanted to clear up some of this stuff.”
Four officers opened fire on Amari. He was shot in the back while trying to flee the flying bullets.
Watch the video below:
Sources: AWM, Fort Worth Star-Telegram
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