Well, Now They’re Just Offering People Drugs To Get The Vaccine!

To increase COVID-19 vaccination rates incentive programs were being offered and one major marijuana dispensary has an offer that could push that number even higher.

Mint Dispensary spent June 1 offering free edibles and a pre-roll to people getting the shot at a local pop-up location.

Those who are vaccinated at the clinics and are 21 years of age or older can receive a free pre-rolled joint and an edible cannabis gummy, an initiative the dispensary calls “Snax for Vaxx.”

The Mint is known for its grandiose publicity initiatives surrounding cannabis. On Friday, in celebration of National Doughnut Day, it will reportedly sell a doughnut containing 3,000 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive element of cannabis. The doughnut contains roughly 300 doses of a 10-milligram edible.

Raul Molina, chief operating officer of the Mint, said the dispensary first had the idea to offer vaccinations to its customers after a March event where it offered a free edible to anyone 21 or older who presented a COVID-19 vaccination card showing they were administered at least one dose of the vaccine. Right now, 46.5% of Arizonans have received at least one dose, according to state health data.

“We had a lot of people coming in and asking us, ‘I don’t have (the vaccine), where do I get it,’” Molina said. “And that’s what led to this.”
Executives at the Mint, which sells both medical and recreational cannabis, initially assumed the company would have to pay for a third party to set up a mobile clinic on-site and vaccinate customers. But they were pleasantly surprised to find out Commerce Medical Group would vaccinate individuals for free.

Anheuser-Busch and the Biden administration announced earlier they want to give Americans free beer if we reach Biden’s goal of 70% of American adults vaccinated by the end of the year.

Campaigns like this are part of a curiously strong push for America and the world to get this experimental vaccine and are very common across the country.

Although people are experiencing adverse side effects from the vaccines, some even dying, these companies are taking advantage by promoting and advertising their businesses. They might kill a few people but that won’t stop these crony capitalists.

Sources: The Gateway Pundit, Fox 10, AZCentral

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