America is now in complete jeopardy thanks to Biden’s latest vaccine mandates.
Well, it seems every day Biden losses respect and reputation for his 9 months period as so-called President.
On his recent flank, his Vaccine mandate has been very controversial, and GOP politicians ruled it as an unconstitutional mandate.
Recently, The second-youngest sibling in the famous singing Jackson family took to Twitter to defend Minaj’s assertions.
The second-youngest sibling in the famous singing Jackson family took to Twitter to defend rap star Nicki Minaj, whose tweets about the coronavirus vaccine caused a stir on social media for days.
He wrote on Twitter, “I support & echo @NICKIMINAJ’s intelligent advice to use prayer, critical thinking not be bullied into making a very important decision about your body & personal health.”
It’s a sad day in America when we are censored, canceled & ridiculed for exercising our God-given freedoms.” He added.
I support & echo @NICKIMINAJ’s intelligent advice to use prayer, critical thinking not be bullied into making a very important decision about your body & personal health. It’s a sad day in America when we are censored, cancelled & ridiculed for exercising our God-given freedoms
— Randy Jackson (@randyjackson8) September 16, 2021
Many of us have been ridiculed by this manipulative mandate over masks and vaccines.
President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate will cover most of the nation’s workers.
It says businesses with 100 or more workers must have their employees vaccinated or tested weekly for COVID-19 and one of the concerns is that, at a time of labor shortages, some workers will just quit and go to other companies that don’t fall under the order.
Many have been standing up against this unruly mandate, American citizens, Governors, and now Hollywood stars are standing up against it.
Biden’s America is now turning back against him.
Source: Wayne Dupree
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