Young Black Girl Walked Up To Mike Pence, What He Did Next Made The Entire Room SCREAM

Mike Pence Delivers Heartfelt Speech In Las Vegas
Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Las Vegas to respect the victims and honor the heroes after the deadly mass shooting. He called the shooter “pure evil.”

The most amazing thing happened when he left the stage, though. This young girl walked up to him and did something incredible. This is something that the media will absolutely not show you.

Watch this. Mike Pence wrapped her in a big hug!

We have a wonderful Vice President we have. It’s so sad that the modern day media can’t ever show this side of our Vice President.

He also gave a marvelous speech.

“On Sunday night, Las Vegas came face to face with pure evil,” Pence said during brief remarks at the Las Vegas City Wide Unity Prayer Walk. “But no evil, no act of violence will ever diminish the strength and goodness of the American people.”

Fifty-eight people were killed and 500 were injured. It was a very sad day in Ls Vegas.

“The Bible tells us that the Lord is close to the broken-hearted and this will be our prayer for all of you,” Pence, accompanied by his wife, said. “We do mourn with those who mourn and grieve with those who grieve. But we do not grieve like those who have no hope. Because heroes give us hope.”

Share this video everywhere to show the soft, sensitive side of our Vice President. We need to get this out because the mainstream media certainly won’t.

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