750+ Sex Criminals Have Been Arrested Across U.S. Since Trump Became President

Hundreds of sex criminals have been arrested since Donald Trump has become president.

President Trump’s slogan has been “Make America Great Again” since his campaign trail, but I think a new slogan has evolved since he has stepped into office and that would be, “Law and Order is BACK!”


From ABC7:

The National Johns Suppression Initiative ran from Jan. 18 through Feb. 5 and led to the arrests of 29 sex traffickers and of 723 people who tried to purchase sex, the Cook County sheriff’s office said. It included nearly 30 law enforcement agencies across 15 states.

In Cook County, 101 alleged sex buyers were arrested by deputies and officers with the Lansing and Matteson police departments. In Lake County, two people were arrested. In Arlington Heights, five people were arrested In Houston, where Super Bowl 51 was held, 178 people were arrested by the Harris County Sheriff’s police and Houston police as part of the multi-state sex sting. Harris County netted the most arrests of any participating agency.

The National Johns Suppression Initiative is an anti-trafficking operation which targets sex buyers. There has been some controversy over this because of the focus on those buying sex and not the ones selling it. Despite the controversy, these are awesome numbers!

With our new president standing behind our law enforcement and being a voice for them and their protection, I can see a lot more criminals being taken down!

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