An Accident Split Her Face in Two! 3 Years Later, SHE’S STILL FIGHTING!! What a Miracle!

It was the blood-curdling screams that brought Jen Kordiak sprinting out of the house. There, before her, was something…just…unimaginable. There, in her husband Jesse arms, was their daughter Amber Rose. She had been playing around near the area where her dad was changing a tractor tire. When the item fell on her, crushing her head, the couple believed they were about to lose their baby.

Amber Rose Was In Bad Shape When Admitted To The Hospital


Her Face Was Crushed And Cut In Half


Rushing her to the hospital, the prognosis was not good. Amber Rose had her skull crushed, her face split in two by the tire’s sharp metal rim. She was badly injured and fighting for life. Once they stabilized her, the doctors did all they could to help the seven-year-old. But there was a bigger problem. They could fix the damage, but they could not restore Amber Rose’s face. A skilled plastic surgeon would have to do that.

The Scar Tells Most Of The Story


Enter the Mayo Clinic. The skilled surgeons there, including a doctor named Bite, vowed to do what they could to rebuild the girl’s face. Since the accident, Amber Rose has undergone 13 procedures, including one that lasted over 10 hours. Making matters more complicated, the girl is still growing. As the doctors attend to her issues, they keep changing size and shape.

She’s Gone Through Several Surgeries


She Is Destined To Endure Many More

The brave little girl still faces several challenges. Doctors are reconstructing the bones, tendons, nerves, and muscles in her face and she still requires an opening in her neck to breathe. Still, she is surprisingly upbeat about what happened. “I can’t frown,” Amber Rose told reporters. But she can smile – and with such a positive attitude, it’s clear that this undersized champion will win this particular battle.

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