Key crime statistic PLUNGES under Trump; Democrats panic…

An incredible plunge has taken place in this very important crime statistic and it’s all thanks to President Trump.

Lately all we’ve been seeing is rises in the numbers because of the new president. Jobs are on the rise and the stock market is on the rise. Guess which numbers are plummeting.  It’s the number of illegal aliens sneaking over our border! See what happens when the president actually upholds our laws!

From Allen B. West:

The number of people caught illegally sneaking into our country plummeted in March to the lowest monthly figure in more than 17 years as reported by the head of the Department of Homeland Security.

The Associate Press has stated “That’s a likely sign that fewer immigrants are trying to make the trek into the United States” and quoted DHS Secretary John Kelly as saying “that the steep decline in arrests is “no accident” and credited President Donald Trump’s approach to illegal immigration.”

Though the Trump administration has not yet changed how the border is patrolled, the president’s tough talk on immigration – including plans to build a border wall – and his stepped-up arrests of immigrants living in the country illegally have likely acted as deterrents.

…In his testimony for the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Kelly said fewer than 12,500 people were caught crossing the border illegally last month. That compares with more than 43,000 in December.

Democrats PANIC?? Shows clearly that they prefer lawlessness over righteousness, no? Evildoers hate the light because it shows their evil deeds.

This is what happens when people are shown actual consequences for their actions. Over the last few administrations they were shown that if they come here they will be given things for free and face no consequences for breaking the law. That’s not the case now! Law and order is back!


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