Monica Lewinsky’s New Video Is A NUCLEAR BOMB On The Hillary Campaign!

VIA| Hillary Clinton thought she had put the Monica Lewinsky scandal behind her.

However, now that Hillary is running for president, the intern who famously seduced her husband has now come back to haunt her in a big way.

An emotional clip of Lewinsky telling her story is going viral this week, and many are disturbed at how the Clintons ruined this young woman’s life.

“I was Patient Zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously,” Lewinsky said.

This comes after former Secret Service agent Gary S. Byrne revealed in his tell-all book “Crisis of Character” that he stood outside the door while then-President Bill Clinton had sex with numerous women, including former Vice President Walter Mondale’s daughter, Eleanor Mondale.

“I stood guard, a pistol at my hip, outside the Oval Office, the last barrier before anyone saw Bill Clinton,” Byrne wrote. “The last barrier before Monica Lewinsky saw Bill Clinton. Yes, I’m that Secret Service officer.”

Byrne remembered one occasion in which Lewinsky arrived at the White House while Bill was having sex with Mondale. The agents tried to keep Lewinsky from finding out what was happening, but their efforts failed.

“She pressed the officer about the delay and wanted to know why she was left standing in his security booth. He lashed back,” he wrote.

“You have to wait. He’s with his other piece of a–. Wait till he’s finished,” the officer blocking her way told Lewinsky.

“What’s he want with her when he has this?” an enraged Lewinsky fired back.

In the end, Byrne thinks Bill has a serious sex problem.

“Eleanor Mondale and Monica Lewinsky could not satiate the president’s horndog sexual desires,” wrote Byrne.

These women have now come back to haunt Hillary, as many are not comfortable with her sex addict husband being back in the White House. What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

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