Planned Parenthood Will FINALLY Be Prosecuted for the Sale of Baby Body Parts

The taxpayer funded, baby genocide, baby body part selling, business that we call Planned Parenthood could be facing charges for their crimes. It’s about time that we try and bring some justice for the inhumane treatment of the hundreds of thousands of babies that are killed and exploited in that place.

From Christian Post:

A bipartisan House investigative panel has referred Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast for criminal prosecution to the Texas Attorney General for its alleged illegal sale of baby body parts, saying its findings have confirmed the criminal activity at the controversial abortion provider that had been documented in videos related by the Center for Medical Progress.

From Center for Medical Progress:

The Select Panel is the only official, comprehensive, nationwide investigation of Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and sale of aborted fetal organs, and their findings confirm the criminal activity at Planned Parenthood that CMP’s videos documented and show that the wrongdoing goes even deeper than anyone first suspected. The Panel has also criminally referred Planned Parenthood’s closest business partners in the sale of aborted baby parts to various state and local law enforcement. Law enforcement and elected representatives at all levels must now act quickly to bring Planned Parenthood to justice under the law and prevent any more taxpayer subsidies from flowing to Planned Parenthood’s barbaric criminal enterprise.

With this prosecution and Donald Trump as our new president, I’m really hopeful that this is the beginning of the end of Planned Parenthood.

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1 Comment

  • Planned Parenthood Will FINALLY Be Prosecuted for the Sale of Baby Body Parts

    Planned Parenthood could be facing charges for their crimes.

    Red Rock Daily News takes liberties with the truth and that is FAKE NEWS.

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