Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is urging Congress to stop wasting taxpayer money on frivolous boondoggles that do nothing to help Americans.

During a Senate floor remarks, Paul slammed the “wasteful” National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) studies that he says squander taxpayer money. The comments were during a debate on increasing the budget of the NSF by $29 billion.

Senator Paul lists numerous outrageous uses of taxpayer funds in his speech, saying, “You can’t make this stuff up.”

“The NIH spent two million dollars in research to see if using a hot tub can lower stress.”

“The NIH also spent about a million dollars to see if they could help people overcome their fear of dentists.”

“The NIH spent almost seven million dollars of cancer research money to create an automatically flushing smart toilet.”

Last week, he blasted White House medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, saying his division of the NIH — the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — gave hefty grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which then used the money to perform “gain-of-function” research into bat coronaviruses.

Gain-of-function research involves transforming pathogens into mutant “superviruses” by making them deadlier and more contagious.

There’s mounting evidence suggesting the Wuhan lab is likely the source of COVID-19.

Paul claims to have proof that Fauci was involved in some incredibly suspicious funding.
While Fauci has denied these allegations, Paul has asserted the medical adviser is lying because there’s a paper trail showing that the NIAID did indeed bankroll this dangerous research.

Fauci has been the director of the NIAID since 1984.

“Dr. Shi [Zhengli], the ‘bat scientist’ — that’s the most famous one from the Wuhan Institute — when she published her papers, which scientists across the board are saying are gain of function, they were juicing up viruses — she gave credit to Dr. Fauci,” Paul said earlier this month.

“We have this in black and white from a peer-reviewed journal: She said the funding came from Dr. Fauci’s National Institute, NIAID. This is Dr. Fauci’s baby for 40 years. She lists him in the credits.”

The senator underscored, “He can’t escape this. He did the funding.”

Paul said it’s time to end the gravy train for these kinds of counterproductive projects that would be funded by the $110 billion, Schumer-sponsored Endless Frontier Act.

Watch it here: Forbes/Youtube

Sources: 100 Percent Fed Up, News Rich Publication

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