Another Country Is Hiring Goons To Hunt The Unvaccinated!

Last month, the Austrian Nazi regime is ramping up its draconian measures against those who refuse the vaccine, with a threat to “hunt down vaccine refusers.” The move is an escalation of its plans to find any individual that refuses the shot amid its imposition of a vaccine mandate across the country.

Employers are obliged to enforce fines on unvaccinated Austrians, essentially turning regular citizens into “inspectors” to ensure vaccination compliance.

According to Swiss publication Blick, the Austrian city of Linz, which has a below-average vaccination rate of 63 percent, the city wants to hire people to hunt down vaccine refusers.

The role of the inspectors will be to check on “whether those who do not get vaccinated really pay for it.”

The jobs are only open to Austrian citizens, all of whom will either have to be vaccinated against or fully recovered from COVID.

As we previously highlighted, the unvaccinated in Austria could find themselves imprisoned for a year under a new administrative law that would force them to pay for their own internment.

Excerpt from Blick’s report, a Swiss publication (translated):

Chasing after the unvaccinated booers

Linz now wants to engage people who are supposed to control vaccination refusals, as reported ” today “. They should check whether those who do not get vaccinated are really paying for it. Because whoever does not get vaccinated will be asked to pay. Up to 3600 euros, the equivalent of a good 3740 francs.

The vaccination inspectors receive a wage of at least 2774 euros, the equivalent of around 2880 francs. The salary is paid 14 times a year.

Ösi with Matura and 2G

The job includes, among other things, creating penalties as well as processing appeals. A completed Matura is required in the job profile. In addition, the hunters should be resilient and willing to work. Specifically: ready to work more overtime!

Only Austrian citizens are employed for the work. And of course, applicants must either be vaccinated or recovered.

Even if the unvaccinated in Austria will soon be upset – the general corona situation in the country seems to be easing for the moment. On Monday, almost 1,800 new cases were reported within 24 hours. The lowest value in two months. Probably the result of the three-week lockdown that ended on December 12th. (nl)

This Nazi regime’s propaganda gives false credit to lockdowns for curbing the number of daily COVID-19 cases in Austria. While the cultish article praises lockdowns, Austrians for medical freedom have flooded the streets for weeks to fight COVID tyranny.

WeLoveTrump noted:

Let’s see what happens when the citizen Gestapo confront these massive crowds to pay their fines.

I don’t think it ends well for the Nazi bootlickers who sign up for that job.

Sources: WeloveTrump, Blick

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