Cocky Muslim Gets Harsh Dose Of Reality After Refusing To Remove Her Hijab For Airport Security

People are regularly stopped and checked at airport security ad asked to remove any number of clothing items that may make it hard to assess a threat but the last few years have seen outrage over Muslims getting special treatment in these cases all by claiming religious necessity.

Those days, however, seem to be dwindling quickly in light of a few changes in authority, and rightfully so. It doesn’t matter if a hijab is a religious piece of clothing when it comes to security and there seems to be a steep decline in pandering to Muslims when it comes to demanding they remove the garments to be properly screened.

Via Conservative World Daily:

A woman named Aghnia Adzkia threw an absolute fit when airport security officers requested that she remove her hijab for safety reasons. In an attempt to discredit the officers, the passenger took her own video of the incident. However, the video blew up on her big time as she learned a brutal lesson. Adzkia was passing through security at Rome, Italy’s Ciampino Airport on her way to London when officers asked her to remove her hijab.

The angry traveler believed the request to be discriminatory against Muslims and did not hesitate to make a ruckus over it, as Coconuts Jakarta reports. While filming the exchange, Adzkia demanded that officers show her the law that mandates her hijab should be removed. Fortunately, the security team took their job seriously, and for the safety of other passengers, they would not let her pass.

As the Sun reports, the female security official explained, “You are not safe,”adding, “You could hide something in your hair. If you don’t take it off, we do not know if there’s something inside, okay? You are not safe for us.”

In the end, Adzkia finally admitted defeat: “Later in the evening, I booked a ticket to London flying from Fiumicino airport. During the security check the security officials also insisted I take off my hijab. This time I agreed because I wanted to prove to them that I have nothing to hide and that I am not a terrorist.


Outstanding work I say! I’m happy to see that security guards are finally able to stand their ground on this issue. What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

H/T [ Conservative World Daily ]

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