When an officer saw clouds of smoke coming from a local pet store, he didn’t hesitate to run inside and save whoever may be there. Once inside he wasn’t expecting what he saw! And he left a hero!
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When Officer Rafael Burgos, a 20-year veteran of the force, arrived on scene with his partner Jeffrey Korger, the fire was well advanced with flames and thick smoke billowing from the building.
Bravely, Burgos broke into the shop and began his search for anyone who might be trapped inside. According to Telegraph Sun, he confirmed that there were no people inside; then, he began to free the frightened animals trapped in the store.
All of the animals were rescued, dozens of scared pets were carried out of the building by Burgos who sustained injury due to smoke inhalation. The animals were taken to a local vet for immediate care and the brave officer Burgos was sent to the local hospital – he is expected to make a full recovery.
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