DeSantis Just Ripped Ben And Jerry’s For Their HATEFUL Move!
It seems that this woke ice cream brand is more into politics than minding their own business. Maybe they’re not so happy with what their usual job to stop kids from crying.
These radical communist owners are now trying to fit themselves into foreign affairs and refuse to sell their products in parts of Israel over the Palestinian conflict.
Good thing that Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis took an immediate action to stop this craziness they’re trying to portrait in the foreign affairs.
Seriously, these owners deserve a kick in their butt to stop them from mingling with politics.
Here’s an excerpt from Breitbart report:
Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has put Ben & Jerry’s and its British manufacturer Unilever on a state watch list for its decision to stop the sale of its products in “disputed territories” in and around Israel.
The move to take a pro-Palestinian stance led DeSantis to send a letter on Thursday to the State Board of Administration to ask it to “immediately place Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever on the Continued Examination Companies that Boycott Israel List.”
The list is part of a state law passed in 2016 that gives companies 90 days to “cease the boycott of Israel to avoid qualifying for investment prohibition.”
Ben and Jerry have responded about this matter:
“We believe it is inconsistent with our values for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to be sold in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT),” Ben & Jerry’s said in a statement released on Monday.
According to the company, they will continue to sell their ice cream in Israel, however; they will use a different arrangement.
But Florida State can boycott them, this is what Florida Rep. Randy Fine said, he noted that any company that boycotts Israel will also be a boycott by the state.
Fine said despite the “boycott” being aimed at only part of Israel, it still triggers the state law he sponsored.
Despite being political racist of this company, Ben and Jerry’s ice cream still manage to stay in the business, I wonder how they do that, where there is a lot of ice cream manufacturer that has an equal or has a better product and knows how to put limitation from their political opinion.
It’s a good thing that they got DeSantis’ attention as he’s placing them on a “watch list.” God knows the left has all of us on a slew of “lists.”
Sources: Wayne Dupree, Breitbart
I wish that Massachusetts had a Governor just like Governor DeSantis. Every state in America would be safer and better, as well as knowledgeable to what we stand for as a people.
He is what we call a “mench.”