JUSTICE! Family of a Woman Who Was Killed by Illegal Immigrant Gets The Go Ahead to do THIS!

Kathryn Steinle was killed by an illegal immigrant who had a gun that was stolen from a federal agent. The family was seeking justice and now they finally got the go ahead to get that justice! Keep reading….





From Breitbart:

The parents of Kathryn Steinle have received the go-ahead to sue the federal government over Kathryn’s July 2o15 death; she was killed by an illegal alien holding a gun issued to a federal agent.

U.S. Magistrate Joseph Spero said Steinle’s parents can sue but stressed that the suit may be dismissed if there is no evidence that the illegal alien–Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez–stole the gun from a federal agent.

The gun in question came from the car of a federal agent—a car from which the gun was stolen. On August 28, 2015, Breitbart News previously reported that the .40 caliber round that killed Steinle was fired from a Sig Sauer handgun that had been stolen from a Bureau of Land Management agent. However, it appears the case will turn on whether Lopez-Sanchez stole the gun himself.

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Time to get rid of the criminal, illegal immigrants! Send them back to their countries so they can deal with their crimes!

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