He Saw His Child’s Rapist Walking Down The Hall, What Happened Next Is…

As brutal it may sound, I think justice has been served to this child’s rapist.

Cameraman Abram McGull was filming as Gary Plauche shot Jeff Doucet on March 16, 1984, at the Baton Rouge airport.

In a graphic scene, accused kidnapper and child molester Jeffrey Doucet is escorted through the Baton Rouge airport and is shot by Leon Gary Plauche, the father of Doucet’s victim Jody Plauche.

Afterward, Gary Plauche said, “If it had been your child, you would have done the same thing, too.” After you see what he did, you decide. Would you have done the same?

Jody still remembers seeing the footage of his father gunning down the pedophile who had abused him. He first saw it during the 6 pm news.

Jody was just 10 when the abuse began. Doucet asked which of his young athletes wanted to learn to drive, and Jody’s hand shot up. The next thing Jody knew, he was sitting on Doucet’s lap, steering a 280Z.

Jody was abducted by his karate coach Jeff Doucet when he was  11 years old, who, like many molesters, tested the limits with Jody, grooming him for abuse. Doucet repeatedly molested the boy before eventually kidnapping him and taking him to Disneyland, according to an ESPN report.

Jody was just 10 when the abuse began. Doucet asked which of his young athletes wanted to learn to drive, and Jody’s hand shot up. The next thing Jody knew, he was sitting on Doucet’s lap, steering a 280Z.

Jody recalled many years later:

 “But then his hands were in my lap. I’m thinking, ‘What’s going on here? Maybe it’s an accident?’ So I didn’t say anything. But, now, I know he was testing the boundaries. Textbook pedophilia. They all test boundaries.”

Jody Plauche (Photo Credit: Jody Plauche via ESPN)

More of this story from ESPN:

Doucet would stop practice and send the rest of the kids to 7-Eleven for snacks. “Not you, Jody,” he’d add. “I need to do some extra work with you.” And he’d shepherd him into his back room.

There’s a certain kind of sick manipulation that pedophile coaches use. Jody would come up with all kinds of excuses why he didn’t want to go to karate practice. Doucet would show up at his house anyway and drag him off. Jody’s mom let him go because she thought coaches knew best.

One day, Doucet grabbed the boy and took him on a bus from Port Arthur, Texas, bound for Los Angeles. Jody went missing for 10 days until Doucet finally let him call his mom, collect. Police tracked the call to a motel in Anaheim. Doucet would be extradited back to Baton Rouge and his death.

Gary Plauche Gets Brutal Revenge On His Child’s Rapist & It’s All Caught On Video
Jeff Doucet (Photo Credit: Jody Plauche via ESPN)

“My dad went to the airport figuring he was going to die,” says the son. “He said either Jeff or him was gonna die that night.”

Jody is still single and says, “I don’t want kids. Do I not want them because of what happened? Probably. And I’m not gay. I like women. I just … my cousin lost his child at 6 years old. I don’t ever want to feel that kind of pain.”

The pain he used to feel every time he looked at his father is gone now, though.

“It’s not right to take someone’s life,” he says, “but when someone’s that bad a person, it doesn’t bother you much in the long run.”

Says June, “Are you kidding? Do you know how many kids weren’t molested because he’s no longer on this earth?”

Jody works in Baton Rouge now, but he still speaks often on child sexual abuse. He’ll join boxer Sugar Ray Leonard and kidnapping victim Elizabeth Smart on a panel in late October at, remarkably, Penn State University.

Gary, though, doesn’t speak much at all anymore, after suffering a stroke four years ago. But surely he remembers.

One day, maybe a year after the murder, he and his son were walking along when they saw a man who looked strikingly like Doucet.

Jody was trembling.

“Wow,” he said to his dad. “I really thought it was him!”

Gary paused a second and then said, plainly, “I knew it wasn’t.”

Gary Plauche Gets Brutal Revenge On His Child’s Rapist & It’s All Caught On Video
Gary Plauche (Photo Credit: Resthaven Obituary)

Watch the video footage here: Greg Robinson/Youtube

Sources: Taphaps, ESPN

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1 Comment

  • The father gave Justice what those claiming to work for Justice would have gotten him a far less than needed for his Crimes. In a protected cell or a prison for molesters for a few years at most is not Justice. You can bet the ACLU and other LIBERAL(Democrapic) groups will fight for this Pedophile especially since they CHEATED one into the White House.

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