An Australian woman has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for killing her alleged rapist, who she claims threatened to assault her daughter unless she had sex with him again.

Roxanne Eka Peters was warned by her attacker, 51-year-old Grant Jason Cassar, at her home in Capalaba on Dec. 4, 2015: Have sex with him or he would harm her daughter. He was a dirty criminal with a twisted mind, and Peters refused to become his victim again – so she allowed her anger and rage to take over, but now she’s dealing with the consequences.

Peters, then a 35-year-old pharmacist’s assistant, got a kitchen knife and repeatedly stabbed Cassar in the chest and penis.

After the killing, she attached the body to the car and dragged it along the streets, even passing by a police station on her way to dump the corpse.

Presiding Justice David Boddice, in October 2018, noted that Cassar’s rape and humiliation of Peters combined with his threats to harm her child had been a “significant provocation.”

Addressing the mother, Boddice said, “I accept the stabbing occurred in circumstances when you were enraged by what the deceased had done to you and was threatening to do to you again.”

He pointed out that the 35-year-old did not seek out help immediately after stabbing Cassar.

“Instead, you set about the process of callously disposing of the deceased body,” he said, adding that Peters had shown “no respect for Cassar’s human dignity.”

Boddice said that Cassar’s family would never recover from his death but said that her “rage continued to affect your attitude toward him.” He also brought up how Peters’ upbringing around drug users, where she was subjected to sexual abuse, compounded the rage she felt when Cassar threatened violence against her and her daughter the day he was killed.

Peters was sentenced to serve nine years behind bars for manslaughter and another 18 months for pleading guilty to interfering with his corpse.

Watch the video report below:

Sources: AWM, 9 News

One Response

  1. Jesse

    The Judge should be ashamed of what he ruled. This woman gave the body the respect it deserved. The male was scum and attacked her she was fully JUSTIFIED in what she did.


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