An 11th grade high school boy is required to undress next to a girl because of liberal tolerance.

This “tolerance” thing is getting way out of hand. Liberals are setting the path for some messed up and confused children. There are no boundaries, tolerance for everything, anything is permitted. They took the inspirational, “You can be whatever you want when you grow up,” thing WAY too far.

In Pennsylvania, a teenage boy’s parents have filed a lawsuit against the kid’s high school. They are saying that the school tried to shame their son for being “intolerant.” He was put through the awkward situation of having to undress next to a transgender student who was a girl who “identified” as a boy.

They demanded that the boy go and undress with the girls so that the situation would “seem natural” to him. His parents were not at all happy about this bullying. A male shouldn’t be made to have to undress around any female and vice versa.

From Hillary 4 Prisoner:

The lawsuit, filed by Alliance Defending Freedom and Independence Law Center (ILC), is alleging that the Boyertown Area School District in Boyertown, Pennsylvania, sexually harassed the plaintiff, CBS News reported.

“No school should rob any student of this legally protected personal privacy,” said ILC attorney Randall Wenger. “We trust that our children won’t be forced into emotionally vulnerable situations like this when they are in the care of our schools because it’s a school’s duty to protect and respect the bodily privacy and dignity of all students.”

“My client is standing up not only for himself but for others who feel bullied,” Wenger added.

I cannot believe that this is where the world is now! We actually have to fight against making our children undress around genders of the opposite sex?? Seriously? Go to the bathroom or locker room that matches the genitalia you have, plain and simple.

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