Muslim Migrants Just VIOLENTLY Attacked Christians In The Street!

Spain has openly taken in tens of thousands of refugees from Middle Eastern countries such as Libya and Syria in the wake of the Arab Spring.

Spain is just one of the many European countries that opened up their borders and let in millions of refugees.

And now, instead of being grateful for the generosity of their host country after being saved from their war-torn countries, these Muslim migrants have been causing chaos.

In fact, what happen this Holy Week is just one of the many recorded incidents of violence involving Muslim migrants.

According to multiple reports, a group of Muslim migrants from a local shelter pelted Christians with rocks and projectiles at an Easter procession in Granada, Spain during Holy Week.

This is not the first time this has happened. On Palm Sunday, a group of migrants had tried to attack the Easter procession in El Vendrell (Tarragona).

Thankfully, the police were present to break up the attack quickly.

More details of this horrific incident involving Muslim migrants from report:

“A group of unaccompanied minor refugees from the Bermúdez de Castro hostel in Granada disrupted the Catholic procession in the early hours of Holy Thursday morning (…) Fortunately, the quick intervention of the police prevented serious incidents.

Total outrage in Granada. The procession had been on the road for about an hour and a half, and as it went down the Cuesta del Chapiz, a large number of objects began to rain down on those present. All of these projectiles came from the migrant shelter mentioned above, as several sources confirmed.

The president of Vox Granada, Onofre Miralles, condemned the events through his networks: “Yesterday I had the honour of accompanying the procession. I was informed that objects were thrown at the procession from the reception centre for underage migrants. They are directed against our culture and our tradition. I demand action on the part of the Region of Andalusia”.

This is the umpteenth attack on a Catholic procession during Holy Week. It is not the first incident and unfortunately, it will not be the last. Last Sunday, a group of North Africans had tried to attack the Easter procession in El Vendrell (Tarragona).”

Spanish citizens are under constant threat by Islamic migrants who have illegally entered their country. Yet, despite the dangers and instability, the illegals pose to Spaniards, especially Christians, the country’s left-wing government led by Pedro Sánchez has been unwilling to close its borders, properly vet illegals or deport potential terrorists.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that illegal Muslim migrants have attacked Christians during their Holy Week.

Sources: 100PercentFedUp,

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  • C’mon man! Violence against Infidels is in their holey koran. What is wrong with practicing your religion?

  • they are treading on a host nation. Never look the gift horse in the mouth. If I were King of Spain I would flush the streets of all the violent ones. Go peaceful about your lives or Go Home. jwstx

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