NBC’s News HACK Andrea Mitchell Has a LYING Problem
Wow, this is not the first time that Andrea Mitchell, from NBC, has been caught lying.
Watch below…
From Three Percenter Nation:
Andrea Mitchell, one of NBC’s many liberals, was caught full-blown lying again. She claimed that Merrick Garland was never even given a meeting with any Republican senator. But Senators Ayotte, Boozman, Collins, Flake, Graham, Grassley, Hatch, Hoeven, Inhofe, Johnson, Kirk, Portman, Rounds, Toomey, and Murkowski all did actually meet with the Supreme Court nominee. The mainstream media really needs to stop pushing fake news.
Chris Matthews caught in the same lie.
At this point I think it’ll be easier to only mention when the leftist media ISN’T lying.
This News Anchor is taking NBC straight to the bottom. Share this if you agree!