OH NO! Children Crying While These Women FIGHT in the Middle of H-E-B!!
A dramatic video of three women fighting in a San Antonio H-E-B has taken the internet by storm.
Daily YouTube Vlogger Sylvia Cabriales posted a Facebook video on Nov. 11 of the women duking it out in the middle of an east-side H-E-B.
According to Cabriales, the women were yelling at each other prior to the fight. When one of the women tried to walk away, the other attacked.
In Cabriales’ 30-second Facebook video you can see two women fighting while an H-E-B employee and other bystanders try to diffuse the situation.
The reason the fight began is unknown.
Cabriales said she used to live in San Antonio but was visiting with her husband from Killeen when this occurred.
Her video has already gotten over 257,000 views and over 3,600 shares.
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I must say you have high quality articles here. Your blog should go viral.
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I must say you have high quality articles here. Your blog should go viral.
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