One Message May Have Exposed That CBS Has Been Compromised By China!
CBS News admits mistake after airing footage of overcrowded Italian hospital in their report about New York City, wait, what?!
Delta Variant has been on a surge and we are already seeing a lot of the same type of reports when we saw how the first COVID hit us. Claims that hospitals are overflowing with COVID-sick people.
Here’s what CBS said:
“Patients forced to wait thousands of minutes in rural Texas ER: “We’ve never seen this. Ever.”
The line “thousands of minutes” is what caught people odd. First off, a “thousand minutes” is about 17 hours…so “thousands” of minutes would be like an entire day…people are waiting for a day or more? Makes no sense.
Also, in the US we don’t use that type of description for the lapse of time.
Meanwhile, hundreds and hundreds of medical professionals doing synchronized dancing on the TikTok platform while during the “deadly pandemic,” and all while hospitals were supposedly “overflowing.”
Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the agency’s Technical Lead for COVID-19 released a statement, “I think the Delta variant for me is the one that’s most concerning because of the increased transmissibility, It’s doubly transmissible compared to the ancestral strain, which means that it can spread to more people.”
Recently, the WHO has announced it was closely monitoring the Mu variant, also known as B.1621, which was first identified in Colombia in January 2021. It is among five “variants of interest” the agency is tracking at the global level.
Here’s what folks online said:
“Thousands of minutes,” huh? Sounds like some clown in Bejing wrote this for CBS.”
“You guys can’t just copy+paste what the CCP sends you every morning. At least try and westernize it a bit”
“Thousands of minutes. Really? Anything to exaggerate the details. Hours or days didn’t do it for you? Thousands of minutes must have more fear pizazz. And you can’t figure out why the media has lost trust.”
“millions of seconds.”
“thousands of minutes”? Why make up units of time? “
“What is CBS doing talking like this, Americans don’t say stuff like this. Who’s writing these tweets? China?”
“Nice, China now spending “thousands of minutes” writing tweets for CBS.”
“Article links to a 2020 article as if it was recent. Pathetic.”
Later on, CBS News released a statement, “It was an editing mistake. We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows, This is the main hospital in Bergamo, in Lombardy province. It’s one of the most advanced hospitals in Europe.”
This news should be more accurate as we are now dealing with inaccurate leaders, like Biden.
God Bless America, a nation totally reborn.
Sources: Wayne Dupree, News UN
china and china joe need to be held accountable for bringing this upon the world, all debt needs to be erased from china, joe needs to be swinging from a tree