One Video Proves That Nancy Pelosi Is Completely Demented!

In just a few seconds Pelosi’s fake smile turned into a demon-glare from hell… Pelosi was triggered!

We all know Nancy needs to rest from all these political shows, I mean her time is long overdue. She’s no longer capable of doing her job right.

Literally, She’s an elderly woman who’s well past her prime, both politically, and personally.

We know She never had an actual political fight until President Trump splashed on the scene but she’s still hailed as this so-called amazing political genius.

She’s been running on fumes for a long time, when in fact, she was just coasting along.

She always acts strong and we’ll behave at first while speaking with their woke controlled media outlets, but when reality hits and faced with actual opposition, Pelosi lost her composure and went full hysterical nutbag…which is where we still are.

And it’s starting to show that She no longer has that “filter” that politicians need, so they don’t show their cards or let their enemies know what triggers or bothers them.

Pelosi can no longer do that – her emotions are now controlling her, she’s not controlling them.

And nowhere was that more on display, than when Pelosi was recently speaking to reporters.

She was all fake smiles one second, and then the next, when asked a question she didn’t like, Pelosi turned into a demon spawn.

You can watch the video below:

It’s time for Pelosi to hang up her political boots and sit at home and eat her $44 dollar ice cream.

She’s clearly unhinged.

I have a feeling this will be her last hurrah.

I’d bet that R’s will retake the House and Senate, and Pelosi will slither off into the sunset, forever tormented by the ghost of President Trump who will haunt her for the remainder of her days.

Source: WayneDupree

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1 Comment

  • The woman is totally disgusting and power hungry . She need to be removed with out a doubt , preferably in prison orange scrubs . Her attempt to get acess to the nuclear football and her orchestration of the Jan 6th events prove this

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