In a hilariously unexpected moment on live television, Fox News host Sean Hannity was caught off guard, mid-vape, when the cameras started rolling after a commercial break. Little did he know that his brief lapse in awareness would provide entertainment for viewers and colleagues alike.

As the show resumed, someone on the set appeared to alert Hannity to the fact that he was on-air. In a split second, he yanked the vape from his mouth and tossed it aside, his face momentarily betraying his surprise. It was a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment that had viewers chuckling at home.

Photo Credit: NewscastStudio

Fox News host Laura Ingraham couldn’t resist poking fun at Hannity’s slip-up, calling it “cute” and playfully pretending to be caught off-guard herself as she sipped from a water bottle. “Oh wait, am I on camera right now?” she joked. “Oh, hi.”

Ingraham went on to reassure her colleague that these small, candid moments only serve to humanize him, saying, “It happens to the best of us, Hannity. I mean, those little moments are cute, those are in the forever reel of the real Hannity — like, we want to know you.”

Photo Credit: NewscastStudio

The laughable incident quickly made its way to social media, where users commented on Hannity’s vape-tastic faux pas. Curtis Houck tweeted about the occurrence, comparing it to another unforgettable on-air moment:

“OMG Hannity just had his Gutfeld/peeing moment – he lost track of time during the last break so he was still wearing his glasses and smoking a Juul. (Sorry for the jump cut at the 0:10 second mark during ‘Villain of the Day’ — Snapstream recordings were switching to Ingraham).”

The lighthearted event served as a reminder that even the most seasoned television professionals can have their share of bloopers. Hannity’s vape break blunder will undoubtedly live on as a humorous anecdote in the annals of live TV history.

Photo Credit: NewscastStudio

In an age where every moment can be captured and shared, it’s refreshing to see that even the most polished news hosts can have their guard down, offering viewers a glimpse of their more candid selves. So, the next time you find yourself chuckling at an on-air gaffe, remember that it’s these unplanned, unscripted moments that bring us all a little closer and make us more human.

As for Hannity, he may want to double-check those camera cues in the future or risk another impromptu vaping cameo. But for now, we can all share a laugh at his expense and appreciate the comic relief such unplanned moments can provide in the midst of our busy, news-filled lives.

WATCH the video below:

Sources: OpposingViews, The Daily Wire

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