SICK! Hateful Liberal Politican Caught Mocking War Hero Crenshaw’s One Eye!

Everyone is aware that Rep. Dan Crenshaw lost his right eye while serving the country, but what most people don’t know is that he underwent major surgeries on his left eye as well.

After Crenshaw slammed Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) for claiming the GOP thinks the only way they can win is preventing Americans from voting, they targeted him with an insulting tweet referencing his eyes, writing, “The reason you can’t see the objective truth isn’t because of your eyes; it’s because how far you have your nose up your Dear Leader’s a$$.”

“People are, like, ‘well, he lost one eye but at least he has the other one.’ That’s never been true. I’ve always had a badly damaged one eye,” Crenshaw said.

A decade ago, Crenshaw lost his right eye in an explosion while serving in Afghanistan. His left eye went through extensive surgery, too, but earlier this year it started giving him trouble again.

“Back in January, I had some flashes off to the corner of my vision,” Crenshaw said. “Imagine looking at a screen too long and maybe some distortions associated with that … that blinking, that’s sort of what I saw.”

Initially, he dismissed it but eventually underwent retinal surgery.

“I was confronted with permanent blindness this time because a retinal detachment is very, very dangerous,” Crenshaw said.

He said he’s been detached from politics lately to focus on his recovery and has been listening to audiobooks in his spare time.

“Wear a dive mask, put some bubble bath in it and rub the lenses with Vaseline and that’s sort of what I see,” Crenshaw said while explaining what his vision is like right now.

After everything he’s survived, Crenshaw wouldn’t trade it. He said this is what he signed up for when he decided to serve.

“Is something hard, yes? Is it hard compared to what? In compared to who? What they had to deal with? You know, that should stiffen your spine sometimes,” he said.

After Elise Cardnell sniped at him about his eyes, Crenshaw fired back a swift response: “Actually it’s just ‘eye,’ singular.”

Cardnell then doubled down, tweeting, “Well, I ran out of characters to say ‘eyes, or lack thereof.’”

Crenshaw had a ready response for that, too: “Bless your heart. Please pray for this woman.”

Crenshaw’s measured response is in line with how he has responded in the past when his eyes were mocked. After comedian and Saturday Night Live cast member Pete Davidson mocked Crenshaw’s eye-patch, stating in November 2018, “You may be surprised to hear he’s a Congressional candidate from Texas and not a hitman in a porno movie. I’m sorry, I know he lost his eye in war, or whatever,” Crenshaw responded to Davidson’s remark on Twitter, writing, “Good rule in life: I try hard not to offend; I try harder not to be offended. That being said, I hope @nbcsnl recognizes that vets don’t deserve to see their wounds used as punchlines for bad jokes.”

Crenshaw is a retired lieutenant commander with the United States Navy and former Navy SEAL. According to his campaign website’s “about” section, he “graduated from Tufts University in 2006, where he earned his Naval officer commission through Navy ROTC.” After graduation, he reported immediately to SEAL training, where he excelled, and then deployed to Fallujah, in Iraq — the first of five tours of duty serving his country overseas.

Crenshaw said he’s hoping to return to his normal life in a few weeks. He does wear glasses to help improve his vision.

Watch it here: 11 Khou/Youtube

He advised everyone to see a doctor if they start to experience flashes of light or blurry vision. It could be a very serious situation and time matters in terms of treatment.

Sources: Daily Wire, KHOU 11,

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