Since The Election, Dominion Employees Have Been Disappearing By The HUNDREDS!

When I was in my mid-twenties, I spent a couple of years working for companies that used a lot of labor that was supplied by staffing agencies.

The way they usually worked things is that I would end up getting sent to a place for a few months, and about three days before they would have to hire me on with benefits, I would end up getting a call on the way home from my last day. There are a lot of people that this has happened to and it was never fun.

Now, there’s nothing suspicious about this when it is a small factory or something like that. What’s really sketchy is when it happens to the company that makes voting machines…

Employees of the voting machine company Dominion are vanishing. At least, their LinkedIn profiles are. Since election day, at least 100 of 243 Dominion workers were deleted. When people noticed that, it didn’t take long to realize that “all their software engineers are in Serbia.” Hmmm.

The American public is demanding to know exactly why there is such a rush to delete personal information profiles of Dominion employees from LinkedIn. It makes nervous voters wonder what they have to hide.

Until election day, virtually every employee of the firm proudly shared their credentials and biographies with the world. Suddenly, in the wake of election fraud accusations, “Over 40% of Dominion’s employees with profiles on LinkedIn” have “eliminated their profiles from the social media giant.” Why?

Rosie Memos wants to know, “why are all the Dominion people deleting their profiles on LinkedIn?” Also, it “looks like all their software engineers are in Serbia. Nothing could go wrong.”

The Gateway Pundit did some research and came up with a comparison chart where they note, “Here is a list of some of those profiles before they were taken down.” They also mention, “Also of note was that all their software engineers were located in Serbia.

This is the company that managed the vote counting process and reported vote tallies in the 2020 US election.”

Voting machines, it turns out, and the code to run them, both firmware and software, don’t come from a particularly secure source. According to ComputerWorld, “Voting machines are privately manufactured and developed and, as with other many other IT systems, the code is typically proprietary.” Dominion keeps it tightly secret. Just like the Facebook and Google display algorithms, nobody outside the company has any idea what all that code really does.

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