The Head of Judicial Watch Has a Name for Susan Rice — And It’s Straight Out of Watergate

Obama’s former National Security Advisor, Susan Rice is being called by the head of Judicial Watch to be brought before a grand jury to testify about spying on Donald Trump’s transition team.

Tim Fitton of Judicial Watch wants to see Susan Rice in front of a grand jury to testify, under oath about the accusations of the spying that was done on Donald Trump and his transition team.

This would put pressure on them and will actually have consequences for their actions. Obama and his team have gotten away with far too many scandals all while claiming to be the first scandal free administration.

From IJR:

Independent Journal Review has previously reported that Rice has been accused of using information obtained from the legal collection of surveillance reports to “unmask” — out — the names of Trump administration officials mentioned in them and using the information for political purposes. Fitton said this would constitute illegal activity:

“If she was accessing this material and using it for improper purposes, there are all sorts of criminal laws that would have been violated.”

Fitton also told Fox News that he believes Rice broke U.S. privacy laws by improperly using the information in a move that is straight out of the Watergate playbook:

“This is the equivalent … [of] G. Gordon Liddy doing this in the White House [during Watergate]. You’ve got G. Gordon Liddy, under President Obama, which is Susan Rice at this point, by all accounts.”

Just like Fitton mentioned, there needs to be accountability for Barrack Obama. These people think they’re above the law.

At some point maybe the left and right will realize that they are not dealing with a typical politician in Trump. There’s a whole lot of crap in Washington on both sides and he’s not going to put up with it!

This is why he is there.. to bring them their comeuppance. Get with it or get out. Nothing will change until an example is made.

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