Swedish Man Prosecuted for Assaulting Muslims with Bacon

You heard that right folks, a Swedish man is facing charges for eating bacon too closely to a group of Muslims while calling them derogatory names.

We have officially heard it all! Does this seriously involve bacon? Come on, bacon people! This whole thing happened in the Swedish capitol of Stockholm. The Swedish man was riding on a train with some Muslim women when he approached the women dangling bacon in front of their faces.

From Breitbart:

According to the report, the women got up to find seating elsewhere and the man followed them with his bacon. He is alleged to have called them derogatory names and made racist comments, though neither the police nor the court has specified what was said during the incident.

The prosecutors allege he then used racial epithets on another woman in the train station after getting off the train. He faces charges of incitement to racial hatred.

Reaction to the incident on social media has been a mix of laughter and disbelief amongst English language users.


Those were the American reactions, the reactions from Swedish citizens were a little different. They were angry at the man for putting food in another person’s face and they made threats to the unidentified man.

The bacon is what makes this story so ridiculous… Apparently since Muslims don’t eat pork, this man felt the need to dangle bacon in their faces? What do you think of this incident? Please share below!

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