The Government Is Using YOUR Tax Dollars To Inject Puppies With Cocaine…..

We are giving too much power to this mind-twisted government, to the extent that they use millions of our tax money in a very inhumane experiment with our puppies.

A whopping $2.3 million were spent by the National Institute of Health on experiments in which puppies were injected with cocaine, a Freedom of Information Act has revealed.

The mad researchers took seven six-month-old beagle puppies and performed surgery on them to implant a “telemetry unit” to monitor vital signs which begin in September 2020.

They then put them into drug-injecting jackets which dosed them with cocaine and an experimental compound for months to study the interaction of the two drugs.

Sadly, after the conclusion of the experiment, the puppies were not released, but instead either killed or shipped off to be used as test subjects in other experiments, otherwise known as being “recycled”.

Unfortunately, another round of this experiment occurred from March 2020 to March 2021.

After a FOIA filed by the White Coat Waste Project led by Manager, Devin Murphy has told the National Pulse:

“#BeagleGate just got bigger. Taxpayers should not be forced to foot the multi-million-dollar bill for wasteful and cruel ‘Coke Hound’ experiments in which beagle puppies are injected with cocaine to fulfill just to fulfill burdensome and outdated FDA red tape. The NIH is addicted to spending and it’s time we got this waste and abuse off of the taxpayer’s back.”

The White Coat Waste Project added:

“These dogs experienced more pain before their first birthday than any dog should have to experience in its lifetime — all to write a report. According to documents we obtained via FOIA requests, the report “may be submitted by NIDA to the FDA” — even though the FDA has said that it does not require drugs to be tested in dogs.

And who’s doing the experiments, and receiving your money? The experiments were contracted to SRI International — the same organization that spent taxpayer money to poison and “de-bark” beagle puppies. Since they didn’t have the correct equipment, however, they outsourced their experiments to Charles River Laboratories — the same organization that “maintains” the monkeys of Morgan Island, so they can be used in wasteful and cruel NIH experiments.”

Sources: 100% FedUp, White Coat Waste Project

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