When you think about bath bombs, all you have in mind is the wine or tea you enjoy while relaxing… But this group of friends experiment will make you want to jump and enjoy them.
Vat19 has created and experimented with a whopping 2,000 pounds of the bath bomb.
It was confirmed that the guys got their hands on 50-pound bags of ingredients, a cement mixer, and a giant fiberglass sphere to form their mold and they set about making maybe the world’s largest. I just hoped Guinness Book of World Records would have recorded this.
Vat19 explores “curiously awesome” gifts, candy, toys, puzzles, games, and everything in between. They do everything from producing challenge videos to blowing things up, to creating interesting contraptions — and filling up a pool with weird substances isn’t anything new to them.
Watch it here: Youtube/Vat19
The video was so amazing and it turned the pool into a fizzy spa but for those who love bath bombs and spend half of their salary at Lush, this is going to be like watching heaven unfold.
So here it goes, a lot had to go into it in order to create it. First off, they had to create a mold big enough to make the actual bath bomb, and they achieved that by using fiberglass and molding it into a circular shape. Next up, the group bought 31 50-pound bags of materials, which were corn starch, citric acid, and baking soda.
This may seem the most entertaining experiment so far… Wished we could bath on that!
Source: TapHaps
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