A group of fast food employees thought it would be a good idea to make a joke at an officer’s expense. Now, they learned their lesson the hard way.
Burger King doesn’t mess around when it comes to tampering with food. The fast-food chain reacted swiftly after five of its workers drew a pig on the order of a local cop.
Timo Rosenthal, a police officer in New Mexico, swung by the establishment to order a burger for a mid-shift lunch. After driving away, he noticed the workers went a little off script while preparing his meal. Someone had taken a sharpie and drawn a pig with large eyes and a police badge on the white bag. Then, when he opened the burger, Rosenthal noticed it was burned.
The fast-food chain attempted to repair its public image came after a police officer shared a picture of his Burger King order on social media. The wrapper showed a pig’s face drawn on it. The post caused people outrage.
Rosenthal said he was in uniform when he ordered his meal at Burger King last Thursday afternoon, reported local news station KRQE.
Here’s what Burger King said in a statement released to the media:
“What occurred is unacceptable and not in line with our brand values. When made aware of the incident, the restaurant owner immediately reached out—apologizing to the officer and firing the team members involved.”
“The restaurant is offering free meals to uniformed officers and will provide a catered lunch to the police department as a gesture of goodwill.”
Burger King said it has investigated and has found the people responsible for the picture of the pig. It has taken swift disciplinary action against the people who drew. They were fired as soon as the news story went viral, and people started talking about this incident across New Mexico and the rest of the country.
The VP of Burger King in Clovis said in a statement that the franchise does not support that kind of treatment of anyone, especially law enforcement.
The chief of the Clovis Police Department said that he is disappointed that any of his officers are treated in a disrespectful and derogatory way, according to KRQE.
“This is totally wrong and it’s not the way New Mexico should ever be,” a New Mexico man said.
Watch the video report here: KRQE/Youtube
Draw a pig on each of their foreheads and parade them around town.