Telemarketing calls can be frustrating to deal with, especially today when more and more telemarketers are finding ways to call you despite all efforts to stop them. While many people can suspect that an unknown number is a potential spam call, it is also easy to think that the call may be coming from a loved one.

Most often, however, these end up being spam calls. No matter how many times a person falls into this trap, the spam calls do not stop and telemarketers are patient enough to try multiple calls until they find someone who picks up.

It is unfortunate that this is the reality of today’s world, but some people have found a way to make the best of the situation.

One man named Donald Sizemore has come up with an even better way to end a call from a telemarketer. In his case, all he has to do is talk for a couple of minutes, and the telemarketer will hang up on him! While this technique works really well for Sizemore, it is not likely to be easy for everyone to replicate.

What does Sizemore do to get a telemarketer to hang up the phone? He talks like Donald Duck, and his impression is spot on.

Nothing against telemarketers, we get how it’s a job, but they do get annoying. So when a telemarketer called and his wife Gayle picked up the phone, Donald asked for it and spoke to the telemarketer in the duck’s voice.

One day a telemarketer called Sizemore’s wife, Gayle Sizemore. She had the phone on speakerphone, and the telemarketer asked to talk to her husband. Sizemore knew right away that his wife was talking to a telemarketer, and he knew exactly what he was going to do. He talked to the telemarketer in his best Donald Duck voice.

After just a couple of minutes, the telemarketer hung up the call on her own.

Watch the video below to hear Sizemore’s Donald Duck impression for yourself.

Source: AWM

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