This Restaurant Is Charging For Stupid Questions, What Happened When Asked To Apologize Is Amazing!

I used to work in customer service and I can definitely say, or at least is familiar with the Karen meme, how annoying clients can be.

In fact, some of them are borderline ridiculous. And while employees probably vent their frustrations in private, some places try to make their customers aware of how silly some of them can get. Well, not at Tom’s Diner. In fact, it’ll cost you.

The beloved diner in Denver, Colo., has recently gained some attention online after a customer uploaded a photo of their receipt to Reddit.

The 24-hour restaurant has been a local favorite for about 20 years but, until recently, few people outside the Mile-High City knew about the chain’s side-splitting side offering.

Reddit user @humblemangoes shared a photo of the bill from their recent trip to the restaurant, showing charges for one side of mashed potatoes, one chicken tender basket, and one stupid question. Naturally, the internet took notice. And while some have suggested the incident is a hoax, turns out, “stupid questions” are listed right there on the menu undersides for 38 cents, which means this wasn’t just a one-time thing.
Long story short, the receipt is in fact real. And plenty of diners has been charged this miscellaneous fee over the years because “Stupid Question” is listed on the diner’s side menu.

This Diner Has 'Stupid Question' On Their Menu And Charges 38 Cents For It

Of course, the popular restaurant doesn’t hand out the cheeky menu item in a malicious manner. It’s all in good fun, according to general manager Hunter Landry.

“It’s meant to be playful. It’s good to keep things light in today’s world,” he said.

Landry, the nephew of Tom Messina (the “Tom” behind Tom’s Diner), said that his uncle added the funny side option to the Denver diner’s menu around 20 years ago (it opened in 1999) as a way to infuse a bit of fun into the workday. Staff is actually instructed never to charge people who actually ask an arguably stupid question — they’re more so encouraged to add a charge on for lively tables.

“When we have a good fun table that engages with us or when they ask about the charge, it’s always fun to add it on,” Landry said.

Source: Sharesplosion

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