United Nations Makes SICK Demand of ALL White People

Thanks to Obama and the allowed over reach from the UN, ALL white people being hit up for reparations.

During his time in office Obama began infiltration of UN members into American society and now they have decided through ‘extensive’ research the African Americans are indeed owed reparations, similar to that of what Native Americans receive. According to the UN ‘racism’ in America has caused turmoil in the name of slavery and therefore all white people should make up for these past offenses through present day reparations.

In reality, White Americans all ready sit back seat to the African American in both the job market, housing market, and educational allowances. Not to mention the statistical data that shows the comparison of blacks to whites who are on welfare vs those who pay into welfare and without sounding ‘racist,’ it seems as if white people all ready are and have been paying reparations in the form of taxes for quite some time.

Via Political Mayhem New:

The average white American is heavily taxed as it is, most of which goes to keep the generational welfare recipients that claim to be “oppressed” living free from any and all financial responsibility. At the risk of sounding politically incorrect I will go ahead and state the fact that we technically already pay reparations. But I digress. The U.N. has the power vested to them per Obama it seems to come here as a force and do whatever they need to make us follow their orders.

According to Freedom Daily :

While Obama was in office, he allowed the United Nations to start establishing a presence within American cities with a global police force, sneaking his plot to give America’s sovereignty away under the guise of a organization called the Strong Cities Network. This unconstitutional move was largely criticized by patriotic groups, as the Constitution requires a treaty before allowing any foreign military presence to base itself on American soil.

The Strong Cities Network (SCN) was launched by the United Nations back in September 2015, providing the first ever global network of mayors and municipal-level policy makers with the stated goal of providing a “community” to “counter violent extremism in all its forms.”

Along with the United Nations’ Responsibility to Protect doctrine, an enabling principle that allows in international community to intervene when they discover “crimes being committed against humanity, ” the UN can take it upon themselves to “safeguard” any citizen who they view is being racially discriminated against. To put it in more simple terms, the UN can invade a country with their UN police force if they determine that “crimes against humanity” have occurred.

Sounds like Obama knew EXACTLY what he was doing while in office, turning the country against whites in some sort of revenge agenda.

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  • Ignore the UN They have no jurisdictiod within the Borders of the US. They may think they do, but send in their Blue army composed of French and Brits ans see how they do up against a heavily armed US population

    • They seem to forget , without the United States backing them up , the UN is a pitiful organization that couldn’t even organize a cluster f**k . I seriously think Great Britian or France would wish to engage the might of the United States even if it were only her armed citizen population . If yok will recall , England tried that once long ago and a bunch of farmers armed with muskets made them pay a heavy price that eventually cost them a colony . And France would probably still be Sig Heiling had not Americans come to save them not once but twice .

    • During the Obama administration, the UN wanted to establish world wide gun control. Obama got one of his puppets to sign it, but fortunately it was never ratified by Congress. Since any and all gun control “laws” are in direct violation of the Bill of Rights (Second Amendment, which ends with “shall not be infringed.”) that would have represented an attack on our Constitution. Those that supported it, and have taken an oath of office to “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic” are guilty of TREASON.
      The US needs to get out of the UN, and we need to get the UN out of the US.

      • The USA should have never gotten in the UN. It has never been “united”. And with the UN wanting a white military exposes their ignorant racist


    • I have a demand for the UN , Bend over , put head between knees insert head in that body cavity with the big Brown eye then jump up in the air and sit down hard .
      It is time to kick the UN out of the USofA and to get the USofA out of the UN . They seem to forget who funds the largest part of their budget , who provided their free home . Who’s city endures their rude and ignorant diplomats creating traffic hazards and traffic jams . I would bet that within 6mos to a year they would cease to exist as a viable organization . And I might add , who would spearhead and crisis and police actions they engage in for world peace ? 90% of their membership couldn’t find their butts with both hands let alone lead a peacekeeping mission .

    • Excuse me but that is OUR building ! It was built with money’s provided by the American Taxpayers therefore ours to keep . But we could send them a bill for 75 yrs back rent and interest . And that building could be put to good use as a center and home for troubled and homeless Vets plus a med facility and hospital for them .

  • I have a demand for the UN , Bend over , put head between knees insert head in that body cavity with the big Brown eye then jump up in the air and sit down hard .
    It is time to kick the UN out of the USofA and to get the USofA out of the UN . They seem to forget who funds the largest part of their budget , who provided their free home . Who’s city endures their rude and ignorant diplomats creating traffic hazards and traffic jams . I would bet that within 6mos to a year they would cease to exist as a viable organization . And I might add , who would spearhead and crisis and police actions they engage in for world peace ? 90% of their membership couldn’t find their butts with both hands let alone lead a peacekeeping mission .

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