Walmart REFUSED To Print Their Engagement Photos For A Totally Sickening Reason….

Mitch Strobl is a passionate man. He loves his God, he loves his fiancé, and he loves hunting and shooting sports. His career is dedicated to producing manuals that teach millions of folks how to hunt, shoot, and handle firearms safely.

So when Mitch met his soon bride-to-be, Stephanie Wehner, it was only natural their dating included sharing his passion for hunting and shooting sports. When the couple decided to get married, they took engagement photos that included these passions.

The couple decided to take the photos to Walmart to get them developed. 

However, when Stephanie went to pick up a set of photos of her and her fiancee, Walmart told her it was not their policy to release images that contained weapons.

The photo in question was one of a set of 13 of the happy couple posed together in preparation for their upcoming wedding. While the other 12 were released, the image of the two that included fiancee Mitch Strobl holding his Ruger Red Label shotgun was withheld.

“She was very nice, but very matter-of-fact, like she was not going to budge or give me my photo,” Wehner told WFAA-TV.

Stephanie was appalled that Walmart would associate someone with gang culture just because they decided to hold a gun. Mitch is an expert on gun safety. He stated that he takes a lot of pride in using guns safely.

A representative for Walmart stated that it is not against the company’s policy to print photos with guns. He also stated that the store generates a lot of profit by selling things to gun owners.

“We had a new associate who was misinformed. Her actions are not consistent with our policy.”

Because their wedding was scheduled for the weekend, Stephanie decided to submit thirteen pictures online featuring her and her fiancé in various poses at various stages of intimacy. Among the thirteen photos that Stephanie submitted online to her local Walmart was the one with Strobl holding his shotgun across his shoulder.

Strobl stated, “She came with the idea to take a creative picture where we include something that is important to us.”

Now the bride will hunt for a new photoshop to print her engagement photo with the shotgun.

Watch the video report below for more details:

Sources: AWM, WFAA-TV

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